Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Hey guys. Marissa here. (;
Well. I'm so excited for all of you! College life. Especially the two of you in dorms. That's exciting. I acyually really wish I had gone to a university in a dorm. Esppeecciiaaalllyyy if I had a dorm with atleast one of you ladies. I think once I discover what I want to do, I'm going to transfer to a university for that experience.
I'm proud of each and every one of you, and I hope you'll all do well during your first years!
Anyways. I hope you all had a great labor day weekend. Mine was kind of shabby, seeing as my dog Haily, who was almost 14 years years old, passed away on Saturday from a heart attack. I'm still upset about it, and it sucks that my room has a door that opens up to the backyard. I get to see the now empty lot that I used to see her running around in.
But I'll stop depressing you. I should actually be doing homework.. seeing as I have notes due tomorrow but I haven't actually started them yet. Woooo procrastination. c:
Anyways.. I don't have much else to say, so I'm going to cut it short.
Love, Marissa.

1 comment:

  1. Marissa, I'm so sorry to hear about your dog. I remember when my dog passed away. It was something really hard for me to go through, since she was always there to cuddle with me when I was sad.
