Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Nothing new here...

Well I guess if you girls really want me to post I will... so uuuuhhh hi. Seriously, I haven't posted cuz I have nothing to say. My life is boring. Pointless. Just sitting around not wanting to go back full time at McDonald's because mentally I can't do it but not being able to find a new job because no one will FREAKING HIRE ME. So yeah, I basically feel like a failure because I'm sitting around doing nothing all day. But don't worry about me : ) I've been through worse.

If it seems like I'm overly concerned about you ladies when you're going though a tough time, I'm just trying to make sure y'all are ok. I tell you girls to talk to me because in the past I've had two friends who've tried to commit suicide, one who I personally stopped before it was too late, the other I visited in the hospital. But they never talked to me about what was bothering them. So now whenever I see one of my friends upset I do everything I can to just be there. Now, I'm not saying any of you would resort to that cuz I'm sure none of you would, but that doesn't mean I don't worry about everyone.

In other news ALLEGIANT CAME OUT!!!!!! I'm already 130 pages into it and it's so good! And John Green is a fan of the trilogy! I've also been reading this other book about the history of China from around 180 AD - 290 AD. I'm reading it because my video game, Dynasty Warriors, that I've been playing for ten years is based off the information given in these books. Anyway, I've been reading it and people back then were so morbid 0.0 It's like "Oh a messenger from the enemy! Cut off his head!" It's like they tool pleasure in decapitating people and displaying the heads at the city gates... And they would chop people up too. If you weren't decapitated, you were chopped up... These people were sick. But it's so fascinating to read...

Ummm that's basically it with my life right now... so.. yeah. I'm planning on making another post kinda like my Nerd Posts after I publish this so stay tuned for that!

Love ya ladies!

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