Thursday, November 14, 2013

What to do?

My name is Russell....and I'm with the wilderness explorers...can I help you cross the street?
Can I help you cross the porch?
I have to help you cross something.
Time later
Do you dig the hole before or after?

Not sure I got it right but that is how I remember it. So how have you guys been? Anything exciting that I should know about? Probably for Sara. How is life?
Im just randomly posting since I don't really feel like doing anything else. I should be reading Pride and Prejudice since im so close to finishing it!!!! Not even forty pages left!!! Rachel you must read, I love the book. It starts off slow and hard to pick up; then towards the middle you just feel like chocking some of the characters. But you cant, you can only dream. But it does start to pick up and is really good. So just to be even more random I feel like working out, yet i don't. Can someone explain this?
Oh well. So catching Fire? I cant wait until it comes out. I think that if i think about it any longer ill start vibrating like sara!!! Had any of those moments this year Sara?
I guess im just rambling. Need to go tidy up my room. Its pretty dusty. Don't know if i should do that now or wait until tomorrow. Maybe now would be a better idea since feel in the mood. Weird huh?
So I need an honest opinion. What do you guys see me working in the future? Do i look like someone who would do well in engineering or something chemistry related. My parents are telling me that i should start making up my mind, but i continue to be indecisive. I've even been thinking about biochemistry; something that has to do with the medical field, yet not as long. :/ I just feel like I need to talk to someone else about this. It has been poking at my thoughts for the past weeks.
And then work wise im still looking for a job. I've been lazy and not applying anywhere. And i have realized that I've been asking my parents for so much lately; that i need to start standing on my own two feet. I look at my cousin and i wonder how she has been able to balance work, school, and a family and she is only a few years older than me. And here i am sitting on a computer spilling out what i feel. You guys are probably tired of me saying the same thing over and over. I just wanted to say it whether someone reads it or not. I know Alex has told me that these are things I shouldn't have to worry about yet, but I do.
Man you guys are making me grow soft.
It feels good to say it though.



  1. I'm not sure what I see you doing as a career or if it's something a friend can point out. It's kinda something you decide for yourself. What you're passionate about. But you have time. Your parents shouldn't be pressuring to make a decision. Hell, I know many people have changed their majors halfway through college or even farther. You've got time for that. As for applying for a job, you need to keep applying no matter how lazy you feel. If you really want to start to stand on your own two feet, it's something you got to do. We're all here whenever you want to pour your heart out either on here, phone call, text message, kik, or in person.

    Like Rachel said, choose something you're really passionate about. As you take more classes you'll find out which field you like more. But I think it'd be great to discuss this with you in greater detail when we're altogether. It's ten times better talking to someone when they're right there. Just don't be miserable. Never.Ever.Choose.Something.That's.Gonna.Make.You.Miserable. Be as happy as you can be because that's all that matters in the end. (And I'm not just spewing words out. I know this from experience.)
    Now go clean your room, ya inbred.
