Sunday, December 15, 2013

Well. Ummm. Hi

Hey you guys, it's been months since I've written anything and I feel bad because you guys post everyday and this is only my second :b.  Anyways I've been staying up all night watching Supernatural, it's an unhealthy obsession.  

I guess since Marissa told her bully story, I might as well tell mine.  When I was still living in the Philippines, I didn't have many friends; in fact I had one. I tried being friends with the other kids but they wouldn't be friends with me because I looked different. I had huge soulless eyes, as Marissa puts it, and a boy hair cut.  Now there are very few memories I have when I was very young; one being of my skin ripping off in a bike accident.  But the worst memory, I still have, is of kids constantly throwing rocks at me and calling me awful names.  I was only three years old. I couldn't fight back against kids who were twice my size and age.  And my only friend would always get into fights.

 Well that's enough sharing lol

Anyways I think I might diabetes now. I been baking like crazy and apparently I can't leave my cookies lying around in my house anymore.  Stupid housemates.

I've also been cleaning my room...for two days now.  OMG I swear I develop a case of ADD whenever I try do anything productive.  I also found out I have an unhealthy attachment to my books. I have elementary books that I'll never read or use again, but NOPE! They all have a special meaning (rolls eyes).

 Oh! Hey! Guess who I had a dream about last night. Jared. It was weird because it was his birthday apparently.  But I'm not telling you guys the whole dream because it was weird .... So yeah. Well. Bye.
 Little Panda

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