Monday, February 17, 2014

Time is like a potato.

Yes, I know. That title is so majestic.
What is going on in the wonderful world of Marissa?
Absolutely nothing. Yep. This wouldn't make a very good novel, would it? School, work. School, work. Fun fun.
I don't feel like finishing this right now.. I'll get back to it later.
I'm back! *applause, cheering, people yelling my name*
Oh stop it, you. I know, I know. I'm the coolest.
I'm watching The Hunchback of Notre Dame 2. Quasimodo is such a cheese ball. I can't stop laughing. This is all this post is gonna be about by the way. Blabbing about random stuff. Now the gargoyles are singing. Sheesh.
Speaking of gargoyles.. Do you remember there show Gargoyles? That was the shit.
I really have no idea what to talk about. I should probably start my homework, shouldn't I?
Be right back, i'm gonna go fix Luis a plate before all the food is gone, baha.
I'm home! Yay!
It's so quiet compared to being at Luis' house.. where  he has two little brothers and six dogs. SIX. They're all really nice though, and I had a lot of fun with his brothers. Including his two older brothers, Angel and Gilbert. They all include me, and its awesome. (:
Okay, so Valentine's day. Yeah. When Luis picked me up, I was excited because it was our second V-day, and I was hoping it would be better than last year. Well.. That hope kind of died when he spent the day working on his brother's car. Literally. All day. I didn't get to see him until 7. And then our plans to go out to Red Lobster were compromised when the wait for a damn table as 2 hours. Umm. No. I'm hungry. Feed me. So we decided to just get some Chinese food for the night and go home, cuddle, and watch movies. We were gonna have our Valentine's Day dinner the next day. That went well. Considering we both fell asleep at like 11 at night. The next day Luis had class, and work. So I didn't see him until 8. And guess what? IT WAS THEIR COUSIN'S BIRTHDAY. So of course we had to visit their cousin for her birthday and go watch Vampire Academy with her. No romantic dinner. I'm not complaining.. Okay, maybe just a little.. But the movie was pretty good. I was slightly disappointed during some parts, but overall I liked the movie. Anyways.. I guess my Valentine's day could have been better. I have to say it was marginally better than last year. Last year I had "strep throat" or what felt like it, for V-day. And Luis dragged me out to the mall with Xavier and Megan. Yay Megan! At least I got Red Mango, right?
Enough of my crappy Valentine's Day stories. I don't really know what to talk about anymore.. Umm. Hm.. I guess I shall just end it here. :P
Au revoir, mes amies! (I'm pretty sure that's wrong. So Alexandria, keep your nipples shut.)


  1. I still have to watch the hunchback of Notre same 2!!!! I'm going to rent a jet and be there in a few minutes Marissa. I must watch it. And at least you for to be here for Valentine's day. At least cuddle and stuff. I spent three hours of my day watching how to make French fries and shakes and other stuff.

  2. I shall let my nipples flow freely, thank you very much,
    And Gargoyles, oh my god! The title sequence started playing in my mind immediately and with that one chick and her awesome hair and red jacket. Brings a happy tear to my eye.
