Thursday, January 23, 2014

Hello my lovely cupcakes!

This week has been crazy, and not all of it in a good way. It's been difficult trying to get back into the swing of going to class, doing homework, being away from home, and waking up in my dorm room again. One morning I woke up in a panic because I couldn't figure out where I was, and then I realized I was in my dorm and I just felt like hiding under the covers for the rest of the day and crying. I didn't even try to fake like I was happy that whole morning. It required too much energy. But Connor has been absolutely amazing. I have a couple of classes with him, and he seemed to notice right away that something was up with me. He didn't push me to tell him, he just reassured me that if I wanted to talk about it or if I needed someone there that he was "just a moment's notice away." Sometimes I just can't get over how sweet and kind he is. But I think that now I am mostly out of my funk, thank goodness.

I applied to become a Resident Assistant next year. I sent in the application this week, and on Sunday I am supposed to schedule two interviews for next week. Wish me luck!

Since this is just the first week of the semester classes haven't been in full swing yet, so Connor and I had time one night to watch Frozen. He had never seen it before, but he commentated the entire movie, and it was hilarious. I told him that he needs to commentate every Disney movie and give me a copy.

I just finished The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy today (like I said, the homework load has not been like I expect it to be for the rest of the semester because classes have just began). Douglas Adams (the author) is so ridiculously out there and quirky, it's awesome. I think that you guys would like it. I'm starting The Restaurant at the End of the Universe, the second book in the series, next.

I'm actually writing this right now because I realized that since I have the time I better take advantage of it and update you all on what's been happening. I am hoping to write on here at least once a week. It's kind of therapeutic.

I was talking with a couple of girls at dinner tonight and we were discussing just how scary this time of our lives can be. These next four to six years kind of determine where you will be going in life and what you will be doing with yourself for the next thirty to forty years. And what if I get three years into college and decide that chemistry is not for me? What if by the time I get my degree I end up hating whatever I end up majoring in? What then? Because by that time student loans have racked up and I have to pay for them somehow, right? And you know what else is crazy? My brother is going to be a freshman at East next year, and they have totally changed around the system. By the end of freshman year you have to pick an academy that focuses on a certain area of study, such as liberal arts, sciences, business, so on. And they are only allowed to change academies once. I feel like that is seriously limiting the students and that they are not going to be given enough of an opportunity to explore different career paths. And who came up with the idea of trying to make freshman choose what they want to do for the rest of their lives, because that's pretty much what they are asking. It's like their rushing them all to grow up. Pretty soon they'll be forcing them into suits and telling them "go get an internship" by sophomore or junior year in high school. I understand trying to prepare students for college, but I feel like this is not the way to do it. Alright, I'll stop ranting.

I was going to try and make this a witty post, but tonight I'm just not feeling up to it. Like I said, it's been a weird week.

Have you ever listened to the song "Misguided Ghosts" by Paramore? I recommend looking it up. It reminds me a bit about this point in everyone's lives where you are leaving what you know, you don't know where you are going, you don't know why but you will figure it out when you get there.

I guess now that I've talked (well, I'm not really talking I guess, but you know what I mean) your ear off, I'll say goodbye for now.


1 comment:

  1. I want to go to the freshmen next year and tell them "don't listen to these assholes. You've got plenty of time to decide and guess what? When you're in college you get to change your major and minor as many times as you want because not everyone gets it right on their first or second try. So screw them!" This is just something I feel strongly about...
