Saturday, April 12, 2014


I'm in an extremely weird mood right now. Like, I'm listening to rap. I don't ever listen to rap. What is happening to me? I think I might be getting sick. I'm so confused. Honestly, I think I'm just trying to motivate myself, and at this point it's not working, so I'm trying new things that I don't usually do to see if that will work. No, I'm not trying new things like meth or starting a crazy orgy, so calm your nips. Actually, I think I'm going to change the music. It's starting to annoy me.

So, today I watched part of Platteville's softball game against Whitewater. We were losing pretty badly by the time I left, but it made me miss softball even more than I already have been. We seriously should play a pick-up game over Easter break sometime. MARISSA WE WILL KIDNAP YOUR ASS AND BRING YOU BACK TO ROCKFORD SO THAT YOU CAN JOIN IN ON THIS HAPPINESS. It also made me wish that I would have just tried out just to see if I could have made it on the team, because the pitcher's looked hittable and I figured fielding wouldn't be too different than what we went against. Anyways....

For my birthday Connor and two of my other friends, Ashley and Thomas, baked me two cakes, one chocolate with peanut butter frosting, and one red velvet, and then invited a bunch of people to celebrate. They also got me a lab coat and dyed it pink for me. It was super sweet of them and I couldn't stop thanking Connor for putting it together. Honestly, my biggest fear coming to college was that I was going to be alone and I wouldn't find any friends, but I am so touched that these people cared enough about me to put this together when they've only known me for less than a year.

On Monday I register for classes for next semester, and I'm looking forward to taking these. I'm going to take physics 1, statistics (unfortunately Calculus 3 is not required for my major. I was actually really wanting to take that), organic chemistry 1, intro to crime scene, speech (one class I'm not looking forward to), and I am planning on taking cello lessons as well. I figured it would be kind of fun and something new and different.

I'm not sure if any of you know, but Connor is majoring in chemistry with an emphasis in pre-pharmacy, but in order to get an actual pharmacy degree, he is going to have to transfer to UW-Madison in a couple of years. He doesn't want to because he likes it here and and already made friends and everything here, but he wants the degree so he is going to have to transfer at some point. This is going to sound really bad and selfish, but I really don't want him to transfer. If we are still dating at that point (which I hope that we are) I'm going to miss him by the boatloads. I mean, I have a friend whose boyfriend is going to UW-Madison, and she has already told me that when that time comes, when she goes to visit her boyfriend she will take me along to visit Connor, which was super sweet. And of course we have cellular devices that will allow us to keep in touch, but it just won't be the same. I love being able to walk two minutes and meet up with him and just hang out. Like I said, this is really selfish and I shouldn't be worrying about it because it's a few years down the road and who knows what can happen in that time, and of course this is his education we are talking about, but I just don't want to see our relationship fall apart because of the distance. The same goes for this summer. It's only three months, but a lot can happen in three months. I know I'm being stupid worrying about this because I should be focusing on school and getting through this semester, but we've grown so close to each other that I just don't want to see our relationship fall to pieces. I suppose whatever happens will happen, but still.

Anyway, I suppose that it's video time!

So, here's another one by Twenty-One Pilots. Like I said, I don't listen to much rap, but I do like this song.
I don't remember if I've ever shown you guys this song, but it's so cute I just love it so much.
Okay unfortunately this next song doesn't have a music video, but oh well.
And last but not least:

Alrighty, well, I suppose that's it for now. Until next time!



  1. Calc 3 not required?! Omg Sara it seems like we are taking similar classes. I'm going to sign up for organic chem 1, physics, calc 3, and just to fill a requirement humanities 2.
    That whole party planning sounds cool. Should post a pic of the lab coat. Take care.

  2. Don't worry about it with Connor, things will work out and be fine. Goodbye my sassy lab coat lady.
