Friday, February 6, 2015


Marissa here! Really should be doing homework. But you know how it goes. I'm not really sure what I'm doing right now, so bear with me. DONE.

Did you have a resolution last year and did you keep it?
My resolution from last year... I don't exactly remember what it could have been. It probably had something to do with Luis, and probably losing weight. Neither went according to plan, I'd say. But it's all well and covered with buttercream frosting.

Do you feel bad about not keeping it? 
Not in the very least. I probably should feel some remorse for either subject. But I've been to hell and back. So nope.

Favorite song: 
Honestly, my favorite song has to be My Dear by Matty Mullins (Video down below). 18 by One Direction is also one of my favorites as well. 

Most annoying/least favorite song: 
Oh dear. This one has to go to Fancy by Iggy Azalea. My mom absolutely loves this song. BUT IT DRIVES ME UP A WALL I CAN'T STAND IT.

Favorite actor/actress: Actor-
Mmmmmmm. Colin O'donoghue of course. O' Captain. My Captaaiiiinnnnn. I know that I technically didn't meet him until 2015, but daaammmn. I can't just pick anyone else. YELL AT ME ALL YOU WANT SUCKERS.

Jessica Lange for sure. For those of you who don't know, she's the main evil lady from American Horror story. She plays every part she does so well. And I just love her so much. 

Celebrity crush, or anyone in that realm of people you don’t know but desperately feel the need to touch (can be more than one, I understand):

Something new that you got into this year: 
I got into quite a few things this year. It's been a hell of a ride. For example: I expanded my realm of music to chillstep, some dubstep, and other things like that. (If you don't know what chillstep is, I highly recommend it for homework.)

Something that you moved away from: 
Does being desperate for a boyfriend count? I kind of got over the idea that I NEED one for survival. I kind of just want to do me right now. I mean, if a cute guy adored me and wanted to hold my hand, I'd be silly to turn him down. But I'm not waiting in the rain anymore. I'm more worried about me at the moment. 

Favorite movie:
There are so many that I absolutely loveeeeddd. TFIOS for sure is one of them, as well as Mockingjay. If I had to pick a favorite though.. I'd say Guardians of the Galaxy. Groot is absolutely adorable. 
Favorite artist:
Favorite book: 
I read way too much last year. Ermmmm.. Lets just go with Eleanor and Park. OOOHH. And Anna and the French Kiss. They were both really awesome books to read! 

Book(s) you still want to read: 
Fangirl. I'm currently starting it too! So let the adventure begin! 
I also have to read the Maze Runner series..

Favorite video game/video game moment:
Being the total nerd here, I'm going to say Pokemon Alpha Sapphire. My favorite video game moment is when I found my damn horse in Skyrim after searching for it for like two damn weeks. STRAIGHT. Stupid horse was not where it was supposed to be. 

Best thing you bought:
Ah crap. I came up with this damn question and I don't even know how to answer it. My laptop! I totally forgot I bought my laptop last year. And I'm currently typing on it. I do believe I am an idiot.
^^^^^^^^^^(last two courtesy of Marissa <3) THANKS ALEXANDRIA> LOTS OF LOVE MY POTATO.

Favorite fictional character: 
My all time favorite fictional character is Link from the Legend of Zelda. We've had many spectacular adventures together. We even bonded once more through several more games in 2014. 

TV show?
In 2014, I started so many damn shows. The top three that I absolutely have to mention are: (INSERT OBNOXIOUS UNNEEDED DRUMROLL HERE) Sherlock, Dexter, and American Horror Story. They were the light in the dark tunnels of stress.

Favorite class: 
Definitely English 102. There were so many people in that class that tried to get me to talk, and it was cool that they acknowledged my major in English. They all did the best they could to help me with it. 

Favorite teacher: 
Johanna Cummings. She was my English 102 professor. I love her because she was always encouraging me to break my anxiety shell, and she helped me with anything I needed. 

Favorite thing to do/hobby:

Prefer to be in high school or college? 
College. I enjoy the free time I have in between my classes, and it's just a lot more.. mature. Plus the material covered in my classes is far more informative and interesting compared to my high school classes.

Favorite moment of school this year:
I don't really do much at school.. and I can't really think of anything relevant o say here. So.. let's go with my first time getting soup at my school. WE HAVE SOME DELICIOUS CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP. 
What do you miss most about high school/what do you miss least(still relevant I suppose)?
I feel like I"m repeating everything I said last year.. But the thing I miss the most from high school is having classes with you lovely ladies. 

Is Pocahontas a princess?
Who has inspired you the most this year (can be someone you know or don’t know)? 
Ermm... Errr. Emmmmmmmmmm. This is going to be super lame, but the person who kinda inspired me the most this year is myself. I talked through things with myself every night and let myself know that I can get through everything, no matter how hard it is. If I had to expand my thought spectrum, I'd have to say Alexandria. She was always there for me when I needed something or advice of any kind. 

Something that gave you hope for the world: 
My favorite Youtubers. The select few that I do watch actually give back to the community and donate to charities. They often hold events to raise money to donate as well, in which they involve their fans/subscribers to jump in and join them.

What has this world come to??
Any paranormal experiences: 
Not that I can remember.. The only thing I ever questioned was when my brother's cat was staring at my wall for a whole five minutes. But she's not the brightest crayon in the box. So not really a big deal.

Show us a picture of something you created!(I don't even know why this is still here) 
I will totally upload a picture of the lampshade I painted. JUST GIVE ME A FEW DAYS TO GET THE PICTURE ON MY LAPTOP.

Favorite quote: 
"Don't be a salad. Be the best goddamn broccoli you could ever be!" -Pewdiepie

Guilty pleasure: 

Absolute favoritest moment/event of this entire year: 
Getting to the climb to the drop in Hades with Alexandria (whilst in the first car), and singing What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction. Yup.
Worst moment:
The worst moment was the day after Luis and I broke up. Honestly, my life felt completely empty. I wasn't quite sure what to do with myself at that point in time. So I laid in bed for almost the entire day and just.. cried. But then I got up the next day and moved forward. 

Thing that got you through the rough patches (can be a song, quote book, movie, person(s), etc):
For sure Alexandria. You helped me through so much. Thank you.
And also baths. I liked to sit in the bathtub, relax, and just cry. It sounds really depressing, I know. But it always helped me through everything.

Song that makes you feel good every time: 
Girl Almighty by One Direction. THEY MAKE ME SO HAPPY. 

Bad habit you picked up: 
Giving up. Does that count? I would give up on almost everything I did. I always felt like I could never do any better.

Place you wanted to visit the most: 
Arizona. I miss my home, to be honest. I miss my sister, and I miss my cacti. They always.. stuck.. on me. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAKJBFBFFBFFHFBHCCASDFANFUFIF.

What's your proudest moment?
When I gathered my courage enough to get on Hades. HIGHLIGHT OF MY ENTIRE YEAR. ITS QUITE SAD NOW THAT I THINK ABOUT IT.

Emus or ostriches? 
This year, I'm going with ostriches. I recently watched a video about ostriches.. and they're quite.. fancy.

Person you were close to before, but grew away from: 
My brother. This doesn't technically count because I kinda grew apart from him when he met Sarah. But now that he's 21 and can drink.. he doesn't really want to hang out with me at all. He leans more towards his friends who will drink with him, and not his loser sister who won't even take a sip of alcohol. 

Any dreams that stuck out (like actual sleeping dreams):
I don't remember any of them! I know I actually told you guys quite a few of them though.. so YOU ALREADY KNOW.

Thing you wish you could change about this year:
Honestly, I wouldn't change a thing. Everything that happened helped me grow as an individual, and I feel better about myself because I made it through everything.

Something you would never change:
Who I am. Luis tried to change me quite a few times, but it would never happen. I love who I am and I have to say I'm a pretty chill person. 

Thing you wish you could change about yourself: 
ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. I AM WHO I AM AND I LOVE IT. (Although I could settle for losing my double chin. Lol.)

Thing you wish would have happened, but didn’t: 
My nephew coming over for Christmas. I was so excited to see him.. But plans got cancelled and I never did see him for Christmas. 

Someone you wish you would’ve gotten closer to:
Nobody, really. MARKIPLIER. MY BOO. I got pretty close to everyone this year. But I do wish I had at least met someone I adore (either from youtube or or one of my shows, or one of my bands). It would've been cool to talk to one of them.

Someone (or more than one) you did get close to:  
I got pretty close to all my coworkers, and I feel as if I got somewhat closer to all you guys. 

Something new you learned this year: 
I learned that ducks have corkscrew penises. Thanks Sara. It will stay with me forever.

Tell me a story, any story:
Uggghhhhh. Too lazy. I gotta think about this one.

Favorite selfie! Sounds lame, but it’s good to look at yourself and be happy with what you see:
I really loved my costume, so definitely this one.

Favorite moment while hanging out with friends: 

Favorite moment with family:
Pretty much all of Woodhaven. It was especially fun when we brought Chris with us and I got to hang out with him all weekend like the awesome Aunt that I am. 

Favorite holiday:  
Christmas. I loved Secret Santa for sure. That was a hell of a night. (:

"Holy canoli that was unexpected!" moment: 
That would be when I actually enjoyed going on Hades. And the continuous amounts of times I wanted to keep riding it. Holy Canoli.

Any news stories or worldwide events that left an impact on you?
Not realllllyy. I don't watch the news, as I said last year. I kinda prefer it that way. DON'T JUDGE ME.

What career path were you considering?
English and Literature. Aiming to be a writer, as most of you know. I just need to get on my ass and write some more. 

Something you did that you've never done before?
Um.. Um... UMMMMM. I can't say go on a rollercoaster cause I've been on one before. I can't think of anything legitimate to put here. WEARING A THONG. THERE WE GO. I STARTED WEARING THONGS.

Something you did that you'd never do again?
DATED A DOUCHEBAG. This is getting really aggressive. Haha.

Something you wish you would've done?
Gone to a One Direction concert. I totally wanted to go see them live last year, but the opportunity never came up for me to go. *Sad face* 

Do you feel you are the same person you were when you started the year?
Definitely not. I feel a lot more mature and more self satisfied. I love who I am now, and I appreciate everything a lot more than I used to.

What's changed/what hasn't?
My self-image changed a lot more than anything, and my lust for chocolatey goods hasn't change in the slightest. CHOCOLATE IS LOVE. CHOCOLATE IS LIFE.

Favorite conversation(if you can remember it): 
I can't even remember what I had for breakfast. I remember when Alex and I had a conversation about Evan Peters from American Horror Story. It was probably about how cute he is. 

Any days that were absolutely perfect and didn't go wrong?
I feel like a day that I slept all day fits perfectly here. For one, I slept all day. And for two, there wasn't a chance for anything to go wrong.

Did any of your goals change?
I suppose so. My goals went from: BOYFRIEND BOYFRIEND BOYFRIEND. To: LIFE, ME, FRIENDS, AND WORK. (:

Would you consider this a good or bad year, overall:
I'd say it was a pretty damn good year. There were a few ups and downs, but overall it was pretty satisfying. 

One word to sum up 2014:

Any regrets?
Not really. At least none that I can think of. Maybe denying that Luis was a douche?

Any resolutions for 2015?

Hopes/goals for 2015:
Hopefully figure out what to do with me life and find the inner Buddha within me to discover the secret to world peace so that I can bring it forth unto the world so I become deity of the world. This way I can make my way to the top and dominate the world and make you all my infinite slaves forever. You will be treated well as slaves. I will feed you and love you and give you ice cream if you are good. But if you are bad I will make you take a time out in the corner. So don't forget the Reeses. And at this point if anyone is still reading this, good job. I'm proud of you. I shall now tell you a recipe for snakes. Just kidding. Nobody wants to make a snake. That's ridiculous. 

I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you give me Reeses now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you.

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