Did you have a resolution last year and did you keep it?
If I did it probably was to get a boyfriend but that obviously didn't happen
Do you feel bad about not keeping it?
I mean, there's nothing I could do about it. I'm only half of it.
Favorite song:
Sticks and Stones by Jonsi
Most annoying/least favorite song:
I still can't stand that Lucky song
Favorite actor/actress:
Actor- Johnny Depp
Actress- Jennifer Lawrence
Celebrity crush, or anyone in that realm of people you don’t know but desperately feel the need to touch (can be more than one, I understand):
I have a bit of a crush on Thomas Brodie-Sangster who played Newt in the Maze Runner (was also in Doctor Who and Game of Thrones, voices Phineas in Phineas and Ferb)
Something new that you got into this year:
The Walking Dead comics
Something that you moved away from:
Let go of high school
Favorite movie:
The Fault in Our Stars (we're talking about favorite movie that came out this year right? Cuz if its of all time then its We Bought a Zoo)
Favorite artist:
My Chemical Romance
Favorite book:
That I read this year right? Its between The Maze Runner series and Papertowns (not sure if I read that one this year or last...)
Book(s) you still want to read:
Eye of Minds by James Dashner
The Endgame by James Frey
A lot more...
Favorite video game/video game moment:
Favorite game this year is possibly Skyrim
Best thing you bought:
Skyrim since I wasted the most time on it
Favorite fictional character:
Didn't get too attached to characters this year other than Newt.
TV show?
Ugh. Doctor Who or The Walking Dead
Favorite class:
Environmental biology
Favorite teacher:
Favorite thing to do/hobby:
Does Netflix count?
Prefer to be in high school or college?
This year I prefer college
Favorite moment of school this year:
Meeting Will
What do you miss most about high school/what do you miss least?
Most - Less stress and theater
Least - The Drama
Is Pocahontas a princess?
Who has inspired you the most this year (can be someone you know or don’t know)?
John and Hank Green
Something that gave you hope for the world:
What has this world come to??
Since I've taken Haverly's class I'm kind of just ashamed of how wasteful we are with resources.
Any paranormal experiences:
I feel like I had one but I can't remember it...
Show us a picture of something you created!(I don't even know why this is still here)
I don't know why either, Alex.
Favorite quote:
All you really need is just twenty second of insane courage. Just literally twenty seconds of embarrassing bravery, and I promise you something great will come of it.
Guilty pleasure:
Absolute favoritest moment/event of this entire year:
Seeing the Rocky Mountains. I still can't put that feeling into words.
Worst moment:
I don't want to talk about it.
Thing that got you through the rough patches (can be a song, quote book, movie, person(s), etc):
Thank you.
Song that makes you feel good every time:
Same as favorite
Bad habit you picked up:
I don't think I picked one up but I did get rid of the habit of playing with my hair after I cut it
Place you wanted to visit the most:
I still want to go to Ireland
What's your proudest moment?
Good question...
Emus or ostriches?
Person you were close to before, but grew away from:
I don't think anyone..
Any dreams that stuck out (like actual sleeping dreams):
I don't remember any
Thing you wish you could change about this year:
The way the year ended
Something you would never change:
Going to Colorado with my mom
Thing you wish you could change about yourself:
My depression
Thing you wish would have happened, but didn’t:
Does the boyfriend thing count?
Someone you wish you would’ve gotten closer to:
This girl in my lab class
Someone (or more than one) you did get close to:
Something new you learned this year:
We're killing the planet faster than we think o.o
Tell me a story, any story:
This guy I work with swears I'm in a fight club because of my wrist brace and aggressiveness.
Sorry, I just don't really have a story.
Favorite selfie! Sounds lame, but it’s good to look at yourself and be happy with what you see:
Favorite moment while hanging out with friends:
Anything in the Dells
Favorite moment with family:
Lazer tag with two of my cousins last week
Favorite holiday:
My birthday was probably the best this year, does that count?
"Holy canoli that was unexpected!" moment:
I knew it was coming but I still had this moment when Hank Green walked out on stage and he was literally like twenty feet away it was so cool.
Any news stories or worldwide events that left an impact on you?
I was pretty upset when we all found out Robin Williams died
What career path were you considering?
Was considering theater, now I don't know
Something you did that you've never done before?
Rode the train by myself to Chicago
Something you did that you'd never do again?
Carry the Christmas tree up the stairs by myself
Something you wish you would've done?
Oh you know, travel to Europe..
Do you feel you are the same person you were when you started the year?
Hell no
What's changed/what hasn't?
Favorite conversation(if you can remember it):
I don't remember a specific one
Any days that were absolutely perfect and didn't go wrong?
Every day in Colorado and the Dells with you guys
Did any of your goals change?
Figure out what the hell to do with my life
Would you consider this a good or bad year, overall:
It was good to a point, and then shit happened.
One word to sum up 2014:
Eye-opening (I don't care if its not supposed to be hyphenated)
Any regrets?
Any resolutions for 2015?
Same thing as goals
Hopes/goals for 2015:
Feel better about life
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