Friday, July 19, 2013

Just an update

Hey everyone! It's Rachel again and as promised this post will be more uplifting than my last :)

So yesterday I emailed my roommates and one of them actually texted me and we've been texting on and off since then. She seems like a nice girl and a cool person so I'm not as nervous as I used to be. Plus, both of my roommates play softball haha. I told the girl I've been talking too that I will have to invite some of you guys to the campus sometime so you all can meet and talk about softball. She thinks its a great idea. My other roommate hasn't gotten back to me yet nor has she tried to contact the girl I've been talking to other than to ask if she plays softball. So we're not entirely sure about her yet.

I am going to the campus tomorrow for a Campus Connect thingy where we meet and get to talk to other freshman and see our dorms. Unfortunately the girl I've been talking can't make it tomorrow so I won't actually get to meet her before move in day. And the other girl.... well I don't know if she's going or not. I guess I'll find out. But I will take pictures of the campus and my dorm to post on here and show you guys where I'm going to be living for my first year in college.

As for the rest of my summer, I'm hoping to spend a lot more time with you guys, Julian, Cassi, and a few others from theater. And of course, my family. I'm really looking forward to Six Flags with you guys! And we still have to go to Magic Waters!

I do wish move in day was at least a day later than it is. I move in on the 22nd of August which is my mom's birthday. I feel bad that I have to move into college on her birthday so I'm trying to find a way to make it slightly easier on her. I have a few ideas so I guess I'll see how it all plays out.

I will post again either tomorrow night or sometime on Saturday :)

Love, Rachel


  1. Its a good thing that you are getting to know at least one of your roommates.we still have that picnic to plan so we will still get to see more of each other before we all go our separate ways.

  2. Oh yeah! Are we planning this tuesday?

  3. Idk. It depends on whether most of us can make it.

  4. you just cant get away from the softball girls

  5. Oh my gosh... its so confusing.... everyone is Alex Wilks....
