Monday, July 29, 2013

Nerd Post

So here are some of my favorite nerdiest  moments or pictures (yeah pretty much both) for you guys to I guess just look at.

Their faces >>

Oh!!! Captain Jack!!!

This is Captain Jack Harkness. Your argument is invalid.

Ok.... here's the other Captain Jack.

Back to Harry Potter for a moment.

I mean seriously!

You guys knew this was coming...

Doctor Who at its finest : )

Let's go in order now:

9th Doctor

He's the most sincere out of the three I believe.

And the funniest : )   (I hope you guys can read these, I couldn't make the picture any bigger...)

10th Doctor

In case it's to small:
Rose: Doctor! They've got guns!
Doctor: And I haven't. Which makes me the better person don't you think? They can shoot me dead but the moral high ground is mine!

These two were the best!

This is David Tennant. He's indescribable xD

But here's a picture of that one dude for you guys. I thought I'd be nice.

And this is Jace. He doesn't take anybody's shit.

Lets take a minute to make fun of Twilight

That's better.

And some random stuff:

Ummm... yeah... Effie, there's something wrong with you...

But Jennifer's cool.

This is Daryl Dixon. He's a badass.

And to wrap things up:

This is pretty cool.

Search it. Get addicted. Blame me.

Ummm I think I'm done. Soooo goodnight! I leave you with one more picture and a quote that I can relate to.

"If it’s time to go, remember what you’re leaving. Remember the best. My friends have always been the best of me."

Love always,


  1. This is awesome. I freaking want that tattoo, and that quote just about killed me.

  2. i dont think you realize how much i love this rachel. thank you, you just made my week with this.


  3. I might try to get a henna tattoo of the Divergent one. How did it kill you Sara? You're welcome! Was it just really good or...?

  4. And I might try to make another one of these. I was going to do another tonight but something just came up.

  5. I'm sorry :( but it's one of the best, true quotes I've ever heard.
