Thursday, July 18, 2013


Hey ladies. This is Marissa. (:
So, I don't really have anything interesting to say. I just really needed to tell someone this, and I know you all would be the best to tell. I couldn't tell my parents because they don't even like the fact that I'm in a relationship and they would just put me down if I said anything and get mad at me for even talking about it.
Anyways. So Luis and I haven't exactly been connecting lately and it's been throwing us off balance. When we first started it was amazing. I was able to talk to him and our conversations were endless. You all know I have social anxiety. So the fact that I could connect with this boy and actually talk to him was just.. it was perfect. I was happy. We were happy.
And then my parents told us we were moving. Luis got upset and didn't know if we'd be able to make it. I told him we'd be fine. So we remained together. But as our time together in Rockford grew short we began to lose our connection and we'd argue just about every night. There were many times I almost gave up. But then I remembered how we were. And how close I felt with him since we met. So I trudged on with our relationship, but I grew more awkward around him, and I didn't know why, and I ignored it. We were fine when I moved.
A couple days ago Luis finally opened up to me and told me something he'd never told anyone before. I accepted him still. I told him I didn't judge him and never would. He told me I was amazing and loved how I could just accept him for who he was. We were happy again. But today, he told me we don't talk enough, we've lost our connection, and that he doesn't like our circumstances as far as my parents go. Or that when we both start work and college we won't have enough time for each other. It doesn't help that lately I've gotten more nervous around him and it's getting harder and harder to talk to him, to strike up conversations. I started crying and told him we'd make it through, as we always have. But he told me he didn't think it was enough to just make it through. I don't know what to do. I don't want to lose the boy that broke through my social anxiety and connected with me in a way I didn't know any guy could.

Sorry for the depressing post. I had to get it off my chest, and like I said, my parents are only going to be judgemental and yell at me, saying that Luis is a terrible person. Anyways, if you're reading this, thank you.

With love, Marissa.


  1. Don't ever forget that we will be here for you no matter what happens, through thick and thin. I'm not very good at giving comforting words of advice. I'm better at just listening and giving hugs when they are needed, so here is me giving you a virtual hug. I don't want to tell you what to do. I just want you to listen to your heart. I know that sounds cheesy and cliche, but your heart will guide you through this.


  2. Sara is absolutely right, Marissa. We are all here for you and you do what you feel you have to do. No matter what you do, we will be there. And I am always just a phone call or text message away if you need me or need to talk.


  3. As you know I have no experience whatsoever in this subject but I know that I would fight to keep a relationship alive against others opinions. We should follow what we believe is right. I hope that you are able to find the connection again. And as Sara said you have friends that will be here to support you.
    - gardettos
