Monday, August 26, 2013

God, I've been posting too much lately. But anyway, today was my first day of class. All of my professors (that sounds so weird) are pretty badass. My history teacher seems like a pretty cool guy. He's from Ireland and kept getting excited at the mention of alcohol. But, anyway, even though I thought he was pretty awesome, all I wanted him to do was shut up because it was way too early for me. The whole class laughed when I told him that people from Rockford are called Rockfordians. YES. WE LIKE ROCKS PEOPLE. But my ancient Greek art professor is kinda no bullshit, but I like that. It means I don't have to listen to people talking all the time and NO GROUP PROJECTS. You guys would all love my English professor. She had the whole class cracking up today. As I was listening to her today I realized that she reminded me of John Green. She is literary a female version of John Green; it's the greatest thing ever. But I'm really excited for that class because we're going to be focusing on fairy tales all semester. We're gonna be reading stuff like Hansel and Gretel, Snow White, and The Little Mermaid. So I'm really excited for that. My communications class is downtown, so I have to take the shuttle down there for class. The building is only a block from the Magnificent Mile, which is really cool. I met a girl from Ireland in that class who just transferred from Belfast. She was really sweet. After class I walked around a bit, just exploring. Soooo many Starbucks. I finally decided to get on the shuttle because I didn't want to be down there when all the weird people started coming out. So I came back, went to dinner with my roommate, and now I am in the library, trying to focus on taking notes for a paper, but I can't. It's difficult to get back into the mindset of doing homework. I also have to read a story about how Disney is a misogynistic company.


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