Monday, August 12, 2013

Good or Not?

Ok ladies this blog has been quiet for several days, so i thought I should post something to liven up this week. So first question is, Sara are you okay? After Thursday you have been really quiet. Makes me wonder if the sudden adrenaline rush pushed you into shock. :)  Second question, how has everyone been? Anything interesting happened? I got to ride a horse and learn a bit about my relatives yesterday, thought that was interesting.

As many of you know I have wanted to write a story but never seemed get back to the draft I started in June, but I finally did. I have finished the first short chapter of the story and I really need an opinion. Let me know what you guys think of it. I could also use further ideas. Don't leave me alone in this, my creative juices have quickly been draining the closer we get to classes starting!!!
So enough drama, here it is...
                CHAPTER ONE

A blanket of numerous bright stars stretched across the dark, midnight sky, and as the night progressed the full moon cut across the battling shadows. Its light reflected throughout the shaded land, yet the desolate country has an illuminated figure rapidly traversing the rough terrain. Even though the creature traveled at a speed unrecognizable to man, the radiating noise was that of soft, rustling grass; an owl’s hoot was still to be heard.
        Carrion! A horrendous smell that was observed to be scattered over the hills; yet the figure continued to move as if the smell did not penetrate its ability to react to the odor of death. Within the minute, the creatures of the dark commenced to make an appearance in the scene. Rats ran over the path, waiting for the figure to approach, and off in the distance the owl’s screech was finally audible. The moon continued to rise creating a clear image of the country’s remains- limbs and mutilated human bodies lay across the land. Death was visible in every possible aspect.
        From amongst the bloody remains, a body nearest to the open path was the only one found intact, but not a single breath was taken. This man, for he was a man, possessed incredible youth whose features lacked the sharp angle from one who has witnessed years of fighting; a life lost in the grasp of an initiating war. The corpse was thoroughly clothed in violet garb, with a bow and a quiver, partially-filled with arrows tightly strapped across his right shoulder.
As a gust of wind suddenly appeared, the man’s cloak pulls away, revealing the deeply-carved symbol of an arrow passing over the marvelous shield of Brutus, upon his chest plate. A single family was known to carry this symbol; although it is troubling to think that one from this long line of success has fallen prey to the ambitions of another. The young man was not a common fighter but the royal prince, Xander, on the return trip from his “coming-of-age” ceremony.
        It is tradition that all future heirs to the royal line demonstrate their strength and courage through a series of potentially fatal tasks. Once all three tasks are completed, the young heirs are honored with the violet cloak their fathers receive on coronation day.
First task: Navigate a large vessel through a trail of strong, rushing currents, leading a group of four score men.
Second task: Defeat the kingdom’s master swordsman under various strenuous and surprising conditions.
Final Task: Survive a time span of five weeks in the midst of bare land, where the climate changes with little notice.
Prince Xander was the first in this long line to show strategy and wit beyond man’s comprehension.
        The figure finally arrives, after what seemed to last a second, was actually ten minutes. It dismounts it’s gorgeous steed and makes its way towards the still body; the horse cautiously following its master.
        The individual suddenly pulls back the hood, revealing slightly pointed ears and a perfectly-shaped face with eyes the shade of the vast, clear-blue sea. The lips appeared to be several shades darker than the palest pink, but lighter than an abnormal red. Strong muscles lightly covered and provided the face with the prominent features of confidence, strength, and strong-will. Yet, anyone given the opportunity of being in the presence this figure would doubt that such mythical creature can truly exist.
Within seconds the heavily-fortified confidence deteriorates, giving way to tears streaming down the young lady’s smooth cheeks. From the tears, one notices that genuine emotions bonded these two individuals, but destiny’s hand severed this tie beyond repair. Myrina kneels in front of Prince Xander and is overtaken by tremendous grief; her petite figure vigorously shaken by silent sobs.
Several hours pass…

So what did you think of it? Just let me know.
  Love, G


  1. Hey Gardenia! I'm doing fine, lol. Thanks for asking. :) To be honest, I wasn't feeling well all day on Thursday, that's why I was so quiet. Sorry about that.

    Anyway, I love the story, and I definitely think you should keep writing it. I was hoping you were going to post it! Good luck and I hope you post the next chapter soon.

  2. Okay, sorry it took me so long to comment on this. But, holy cow Gardenia! this is amazing! I think it's really interesting that after we get done with the stress of trying to write decent papers while trying to turn them in on time for school, I get to see everyone's true writing style. And I've never seen you write like this before! I love all the detail you include and the way you set the story up. Please keep writing it because it's spectacular and I want to read more!

    And I absolutely love reading everyone's little stories because I really get to see how talented you all are and you guys should keep posting them because I love reading them. We should seriously write a book together one day...


  4. Heck yea we should write a book together!
