Tuesday, August 20, 2013

It is done!

Hey guys so I just wanted to say how great this summer has been. We didn't get a chance to do everything we wanted, but everything that we did do was amazing. I had a blast going to Pearl Lake, having picnics, going to everyone's grad parties, Six Flags, or just hanging out. You guys have really showed me how close we have all become and how hard it's going to be to leave you all behind. But, in the overwhelming devotion I have seen to this blog, I know we will remain close as we navigate through college. With all the changes that are going to take place, we're going to need to rely on old friends to get us through. A familiar face is always a welcome sight when you are in a confusing situation. I want you guys to remember that whatever you are going through, there will always be someone right here who wants to listen and who wants to help. All you have to do is send a text or make a post and we'll always be there. You guys have demonstrated that in your willingness to help one another when someone has had a problem this summer. We are going to encounter complicated and strange situations that we have no clue how to handle, and that's when we'll need a friend the most. I've been through so much with all of you and I am so grateful to have such loyal, wonderful people in my life. It doesn't matter that I've known some of you longer than others; I've been able to share so much with each one of you. And I know I'll never be able to truly forget you guys. I have so many plans for us in the future; and maybe we won't do all of them, but the fact that I see you all in my future means I plan on having you around for a long time.

I'm so glad we made this blog and you guys are so devoted to it. I can't wait until everyone starts posting about college. I can't wait to hear about what's happening in everyone's personal lives. I can't wait for the day we all announce our graduations. I can't wait to be there for them! College isn't just the start of our new academic lives; it's also the start of the rest of our lives. Our lives are going to change so dramatically within the next four years. We're going to be landing our first real jobs, getting our first boyfriends, experiencing new things (stay off the hard stuff, alright?), discovering new feelings we've never felt before, but I know we'll be together throughout all of it. In four short years we have grown so close and in four more years we will still maintain our relationships. Don't forget, I'm gonna be that psycho bridesmaid at all of your weddings, so you better not forget about me! It's crazy to think that in four years some of us might be seriously considering our weddings. But just make sure it's the right guy (or girl, I don't judge) for you. Someone who makes you laugh, someone who takes your breath away with just one look, someone who you can wrestle with and be a total dork around, someone who you can cuddle with and takes care of you when you're sick with no regard for their own health. Don't ever settle for second best because it's easy. Finding a good relationship is hard, keeping one is harder; but the benefits are worth it. So look for that sign: when life as you know it ends. Sorry, okay, cheesy movie quotes over. Don't listen to it. But, uh, if anyone is still single by the time we get out of school, you are all coming with me to Ireland so we can pick up some hot guys with equally hot accents. But I love you guys so much I want so much for you. I want you to find that one person who is your best friend as well as the love of your life, I want you to follow your passions until you find what truly makes you happy. You all are so amazing and you deserve so much; don't even let someone tell you differently because they are dead wrong. I've seen what hardworking, caring people you guys are. Your determination and kindness have inspired and pushed me to be a better person. The impact you guys have had on me will stay with me my whole life.

And honestly, you guys will never escape me. Sorry, but I am literally past the point of no return. You make think I've finally left you alone after not talking to you for a few months, but you'll receive a phone call out of the blue and think, "Shit, Alex just won't let up." Damn straight I won't. I love you guys too much.

But, holy crap, weddings! Weddings, weddings, weddings. I love weddings! So everyone get married. I wanna be like the girl from "27 Dresses" and have a closet full of bridesmaid dresses that I can prance around my house in. I love weddings, I love wedding receptions, I love wedding cakes, I love wedding toasts, I love wedding people, I love wedding dances, I love it all.

But seriously, I don't think any of you will ever know how much you truly mean to me. I feel like I've truly found some lifelong friends in you guys. We have been stuck together like(insert funny simile here). While other friendships crumbled around us, we continued to grow stronger. My faith in you guys has never waivered; it has only grown. Every time we hang out I feel like I'm getting closer and closer to you guys, to who you really are; the part that is rarely shown to world and only to the ones truly deserving of viewing it.

And I have so much more to write but I think I'm gonna leave at that. I'm all moved in at school now, and I'm gonna make a post about it later on. But yeah guys, I love you so much, and I hope you all do amazing in school and you stay in touch.



  1. Meow. (;
    Good luck. You're a really awesome best friend. And I'm glad I met you in 7th grade. Honestly, if I hadn't met you I probably would have ended up in a bad spot. Like drugs and such. My life was not going well until I met you. You were my first actual friend in middle school. I was going downhill to the point of depression until I met you. So thank you for everything. And I look forward to all the many adventures ahead of us. Thank you all as well. You've made me the fun energetic person I am today.

  2. Alex, this post has truly touched my heart. Although I seem to be an "unfriendly" person, I have always been glad to know that I have made great friends who have been there for me. As Marissa said, we have known each other since middle school and I apologize that I did act as the unfriendly person, but I found one more true friend who would tolerate my serious face. As for weddings :) if Brooke doesn't happen to scare away " the guy " it may not be this year ;) but it could in a few. Might have to start talking to the philosophy guy. He has gorgeous blue eyes. Shows how much attention I've paid in class huh? I wish you and everyone else good luck. And when you do visit remember to put at least an hour aside for us. We are your family also.

  3. Alex,
    YOU MADE ME CRY! I seriously love you so much. Thank you for being the genuinely kind person that you are. You have so much ahead of you, and it makes me happy that you plan on seeing all of us in your future. Thank you so much for being my friend. I seriously wouldn't have become the person that I am today without you.
