Thursday, September 19, 2013

Out of the Blue

Hey guys!
Its been a while since I have posted anything on here. Just letting you know this may be a long post! So first off how are you guys? How has school gone? Alex, Sara are you two enjoying life in a dorm? I hope its been good. Can't wait to hear any stories all of you guys have on Friday.
    So I just wanted to emphasize on what Alex posted about the statistics that high school friends you make don't last. We will prove those stats wrong because we are  a strong group of girls, both physically and mentally. And yes Sara that also includes you...but remember, I could still win in a fight ;)
    So so far I haven't made any new friends. I mean I have talked to people but no more than that. There is this one guy named Malcolm he just keeps sitting at my table and talks to me in English and during my breaks, but he gets pretty annoying. All he talks about are video games. Then in my calc class there is this one chick who reminds me of beth in appearance but is nice...we don't talk much...then again its too early in the morning to do anything especially math related. In my chem class we have been working in groups these past two labs and I just found out I'm the youngest in my group. They were even surprised when I told them I was probably going for engineering; math isn't their favorite subject so I understand their surprise. I thought we messed up our lab last week but we got an 100%. That was amazing!!!
  And talking about chemistry, being in that class has made me appreciate my high school years ten times more. I don't have a problem with my professors well maybe with the one who implied I didn't do my work, but their teaching is so different. For instance in chemistry the professor jumps around a lot, its good that I already had that class beforehand so its easier to manage.
  Moving on with a different subject, Alex thank you for telling us about kik. I know I may just be on there for random reasons or may be there nonstop but I just want to let you know that I look forward to it everyday. Even been staying up later to talk to you guys. As the summer came to an end I questioned how I would keep in touch with all of you. I know I would text you guys but I quickly run out of conversation. It was you guys that got me to talk, ask Alex, and I laugh every single time Sara brings up that I wouldn't stop talking freshman year :) you have become the friends i dont want to lose. Even though its weird when Alex comes in and speaks of how she "admires" me, it makes my day and makes me feel better in general, especially when she mentioned how she loved the way I talk. I enjoy having these memories. Something to look at back on and smile.  :)
   So the guy....hmm hmm....he seems like a really cool guy and he is good to look at. We both did smile at each other but that has been it. It was a sweet smile and it reminded me of another time i was smiled at like that, i can semi remember the face but i cant put a name to it. Been forgetting a lot lately and I wonder if it has to do with the headaches I get.  :/ I really did feel bad I stepped on his foot, it wasn't on purpose, but he really seems sweet. It may appear as if I'm obsessed, but I'm not, its just another topic to talk with you guys about. Although I am interested in talking to him further along.
   So far this is all I can think about. Hope we can all be at the game Friday. Its has been and will continue to be great having you guys as friends. So let's not lose touch. I'll get back to annoying you guys with my serenades and random comments!!!
Love, G

1 comment:

  1. AWWWW GARDENIA <3 *sobs*


    and it was not me who posted that. i wonder who did...
