Sunday, September 22, 2013

Hey guys, so I felt like I needed to post this because if I don't I'll explode! And you really don't want to see my guts everywhere.

But anyway, I wanted to say how much fun I had this weekend!! I literally can't stop thinking about it because I had such a blast. It was honestly like therapy for me. I'd had a really crazy past couple of weeks and I ready to just come home and relax and just be me. It was so difficult for me to stay focused this past week because I was so excited. I'd had a really stressful Friday before I left and I was quite honestly just pissed off when I got home. While trying to make my way to the train station on time I'd managed to pass it twice, one of those times walking for twenty minutes in the opposite direction. So I was extremely upset, thinking I was going to miss the train and miss the game. I finally asked for directions and made it there with only five minutes to buy my ticket and get on the train. I was so relieved when I made it, but the train was packed! I'd been walking for almost an hour and just wanted to sit, but I had to stand for 40 minutes of the ride, my heavy bag digging into my sore shoulders. Luckily, the train finally cleared out and I was able to sit and relax. I finally had a chance to clear my nerves a little bit.

When the train pulled up to the station I was glad to get out and go find my mom. I spent the ride home trying to calm myself down, reminding myself that the week was finally over and I'd have fun this weekend. So, by the time I got home I was ecstatic. I took a shower in my own bathroom, ate food from my own kitchen, got to walk naked to my room (whoops), and I was able to finally feel completely comfortable. You guys need to understand that I was literally vibrating driving to the game! I was so happy to go hang out with people I've known for longer than a few weeks, compared to st school. I was so excited to be back where everything was so familiar: my house, the streets, the football field. So, I feel like I should apologize a little for being so hyperactive at the game. :) I was literally bouncing up and down and screaming. It's one thing to message you guys all day, but it's another to actually be with you. I wanted to touch all of your faces and wrap you up in my blanket, but I was at least able to stop myself from doing that. But it was so AMAZING to see you guys! And I had so much fun just hanging out and talking at the game. Even though we weren't really paying attention to it...

And hanging out at Brooke's house was fantastic. That was one of the best sleepovers I've ever been to because of how damn tired we all were. Everything was hysterical, right down to Sara talking about aged cheese. Thanks Brooke for letting us come over and talk about inappropriate things in your dining room!

And Saturday night was just as amazing. I was so nervous when I got to the dance because I had never done anything like it before and DANCING WITH GUYS ACTUAL MEMBERS OF THE MALE GENDER?? HOW DO YOU DO THAT?? But after the dance got underway and a guy taught me some basic steps, I started to relax and I had a blast!! Guys actually come up and ask to dance with you WHAT? I DIDNT KNOW THAT WAS POSSIBLE ANYMORE. But I loved the fact that people actually danced; there was no grinding, no trying to make babies, which was very refreshing to see compared to Homecoming. You guys all should try to come next year; you'll really get a kick out of guys coming up to you, and you might enjoy it more than Homecoming. :) So thank you so much Rachel for inviting me, and thanks Brooke for coming, too, because you guys made it so great!

Most weekends I'd rather stay in my room and just read a book or watch something, because I feel like that's the best thing to do to forget a stressful week. Normally I get even more stressed out when I don't have time to myself over the weekend, but I'm so glad I went out this weekend, because it was the perfect way to relax for me. I got to hang out with people who laugh at the same things as me, encourage me to try new things, and understand where I'm coming from, which is exactly what I needed. I don't mind being on my own here--I actually prefer solitude most days--but sometimes I wish I could find people that I can relate with on the level that I do with you guys. The great part of living in such a diverse place is that you meet so many different kinds of people, but it also makes it hard to meet people like you. It's gonna take me awhile to build good relationships here, but I know that I have already strong relationships back home.

It was kinda tough for me to come back today. I woke up contemplating the idea of just not going back at all: staying at home, where everything is familiar and I get to hang out with you guys everyday, and go to Red Mango, and help eachother with our homework, and spend hours in Bath & Body Works, and have sleepovers. I kept smiling all the way back thinking about this weekend and how I know there will be many more weekends like that in the future. Even though I'm all settled back in here and comfortable with my new home, I still wish I could be back in Rockford with the people I've grown so much with. Love you guys and thank you for honestly making my year with all the fun we had!


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