Saturday, December 27, 2014

Hiiii. It's that time of year again. When Alex gets super nosy and into your business. I posted this early so you guys had more time to get it all done. It's honestly just a little unreal how fast this year has gone for me. I remember when I returned to school after getting off of winter break at the beginning of the year. It seems like so much has happened since then but in such a short amount of time. I remember asking myself at the beginning of the year, "Will people still say hella in a few months? Probably not." And yet, here I am still, thinking everything is hella rad. Which is just a poor example of how fast this year has gone, but it's been such an eventful year. So, to sum it up, I've posted this survey again. I've modified a few things,  but it's just so hella rad from before that a lot of the stuff is the same. Okay, so I hope everyone has had not necessarily a great year, but at least a memorable one because the important events in our life, whether good or bad, are the ones that shape us and push us to be better.

Okay, here we goooooo...

Did you have a resolution last year and did you keep it?
Do you feel bad about not keeping it? 
Most annoying/least favorite song: 
Favorite actor/actress: Actor-
Celebrity crush, or anyone in that realm of people you don’t know but desperately feel the need to touch (can be more than one, I understand):
Something new that you got into this year: 
Something that you moved away from: 
Favorite movie: 
Favorite artist: 
Favorite book: 
Book(s) you still want to read: 
Favorite video game/video game moment:
Best thing you bought:
^^^^^^^^^^(last two courtesy of Marissa <3)
Favorite fictional character: 
TV show? 
Favorite class: 
Favorite teacher: 
Favorite thing to do/hobby:
Prefer to be in high school or college? 
Favorite moment of school this year: 
What do you miss most about high school/what do you miss least(still relevant I suppose)? 
Is Pocahontas a princess? 
Who has inspired you the most this year (can be someone you know or don’t know)? 
Something that gave you hope for the world: 
What has this world come to?? 
Any paranormal experiences: 

Show us a picture of something you created!(I don't even know why this is still here) 
Favorite quote: 
Guilty pleasure:
Absolute favoritest moment/event of this entire year: 
Worst moment:
Thing that got you through the rough patches (can be a song, quote book, movie, person(s), etc):
Song that makes you feel good every time: 
Bad habit you picked up: 
Place you wanted to visit the most: 

What's your proudest moment?
Emus or ostriches? 
Person you were close to before, but grew away from: 
Any dreams that stuck out (like actual sleeping dreams):
Thing you wish you could change about this year:
Something you would never change:
Thing you wish you could change about yourself: 
Thing you wish would have happened, but didn’t: 
Someone you wish you would’ve gotten closer to:
Someone (or more than one) you did get close to:  
Something new you learned this year: 

Tell me a story, any story:
Favorite selfie! Sounds lame, but it’s good to look at yourself and be happy with what you see:
Favorite moment while hanging out with friends: 
Favorite moment with family:
Favorite holiday: 
"Holy canoli that was unexpected!" moment:
Any news stories or worldwide events that left an impact on you?
What career path were you considering?
Something you did that you've never done before?
Something you did that you'd never do again?
Something you wish you would've done?

Do you feel you are the same person you were when you started the year?
What's changed/what hasn't?
Favorite conversation(if you can remember it):
Any days that were absolutely perfect and didn't go wrong?

Did any of your goals change?
Would you consider this a good or bad year, overall:
One word to sum up 2014:
Any regrets?
Any resolutions for 2015?
Hopes/goals for 2015:

Hope you guys had fun with this again! Put as much (or as little) as you'd like and add anything else you want. Get creative and add pics and videos and have fun with it! Hope everyone had a good year and 2015 is even better!
Alex <3

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