Monday, June 10, 2013

Hey it's Sara! :)

Hey ladies, it's Sara. So, I don't really know how to blog, and I'm not really sure what to write about, but I suppose I can discuss how nervous I am for college. Now I know we have talked about this before together, but there are mainly three big concerns that I have when faced with the idea of college.

First off, I have absolutely no idea who my roommate is, and that freaks me out. I'm going to be living with this girl for who knows how long, and I don't even get to find out who she is until about a month before we move in together. How are we supposed to establish a solid relationship in a month, when she may not live anywhere near me, making it even more difficult to get to know her before we have to live in the same room together. I just hope that I don't get someone that there is no way on God's green Earth I will ever get along with. And I get along with almost everyone that I meet, but there's always that one person that just makes me want to claw my eyeballs out and stick a knife in my eardrums everytime they speak. I definitely hope that person won't be my roommate.

I also hope that I won't starve in college, because I'm not exactly the greatest cook. I mean, they have several meal plans at the college that I will be attending, but I don't think that any of them give you three square meals a day at their cafeteria places. I am a growing girl. I need food. But, I'm also scared of the dreaded Freshman Fifteen.

Lastly, I don't know if I'm going to like the idea of being on my own at all. I have a terrible time waking up on my own in the morning. Whenever I set an alarm, I tend to sleep right through it, so my parents always end up having to scream upstairs at me to get my lazy butt out of bed. Now what am I going to do when they won't be there? I need an alarm that sounds like there's a fire drill going on or something. I go grocery shopping with my mom all of the time, but I feel like it's going to be rather overwhelming when I have to go all by myself to pick out my toothpaste and things like that. I mean, there are, like, fifteen billion different brands of toothpaste. Do I want the kind that claims it will whiten my teeth more, or do I want the kind that tells me that it is the leading brand that is guarranteed to freshen my breath the most? I need to start paying closer attention to the coupon section of the newspaper, because that will probably be my deciding factor.

Anyway, now that I have bored you ladies to death on my paranoia about college, I'll leave this entry at that, and hopefully someone else will have something more interesting to discuss.

With love,


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