Monday, June 10, 2013

Meow. :3

*Click* Marissa speaking. Nine-er, Nine-er. *Click*
Heyyyy guys. So, yeah. I finally have internet. Let me give you a brief overview of what has occurred in the past couple of days, yeah?

The day I left, I had to pick up my dad from Alpine View. He was frantic and tapping his foot on the gravel as I pulled up. When I parked beside him, he told me to get in the passenger seat. I was confused at this point because I had been under the impression that I would be driving to our new house. He soon explained that he had to get the GPS out of the U-Haul truck we had rented before the place closed, as he had left it in the front seat.

So, we got the GPS, then returned to my old house to grab the last few remaining items, along with my dog Haily. Alas.. upon grabbing these things we were on our way to the new house.

Now, the ride wasn't very entertaining. I mainly played Candy Crush the entire way. But once we neared my new house, I looked up from my phone and glanced at my surroundings. There were many neat places. One of the places I actually plan to visit is a small village type ideal that represents an old wild western town. Each of the buildings follow the blueprints of the classic western buildings. As in.. saloons, corrals and such. I found this place extraordinarily interesting and put it down on my to do list.

Alrighty! So my dad and I finally made it to my new house. Whereas we unpacked the things from my car and brought them into my house. Here, my mom told me that my dog Popsicle actually jumped out of my brother's car window as soon as he pulled into the driveway, and my brother ended up chasing her around. Funny story? Why not. Anyways, I walked into my room and looked at the mess I had awaiting for me to assemble. I began unpacking on Saturday. My room is still not completely finished. And yes I know my writing is horrible. Deal with it!

Oh! And interesting fact.. I've watched Lion King every night since I moved here. (; And there seems to be a growing number of attractive males here. I'm a bit rusty, but I'm gonna need to pull out my flirt. *wink*

With love,

(I will hopefully create a house tour video for you guys tomorrow morning! Woop! c; )

Here, have some pictures of my cat and my niece blowing out her birthday candles!

1 comment:

  1. Caffeina luhh yeeewww I was walking around doing that today. :( I can't wait for the video!
