Friday, October 4, 2013


Heeeeeeyyyy ladies!

So, I decided I would just type this out instead of making a video, because I have a really bad cold and I sound like a boy going through puberty right now.

I guess I didn't realize how long its been since I've posted anything on here. I will definitely try to post more frequently, because I want to keep you all up to date on what's been going on. This will probably be a bit of a stream of consciousness type of post, because I am listening to Pandora, so I may end up recommending songs for you guys in the middle of explaining what's been going down here at Platteville. Like right now I am listening to "Tennis Courts" by Lorde. If you like Lana Del Rey I recommend listening to her, or at least this song.

So anyway, this week is homecoming week, and so much has been going on that it's been kind of hard to focus on schoolwork, but I've been managing. For instance, yesterday I went to the variety show with my friend Connor, and I had a lot of fun. The variety show is when each residence hall, sorority, and fraternity get a group of people together and perform skits, songs, or dances. There were about twenty acts, and there were some pretty awesome ones. Have you guys seen any of the light dancing acts on America's Got Talent? Well, there was a residence hall that got four people together to do something similar, except they wore these gloves that made their fingers glow. They did an amazing job, but they didn't win, which kind of surprised me. Either way, though, I enjoyed watching everyone perform and it was nice getting to hang out with Connor. (Listen to "On Top of the World" by Imagine Dragons. Rachel, you've probably already heard this song.) There was also a fraternity that had three guys dance in leotards along to "Single Ladies." It was awesome. Tomorrow is when the homecoming parade, game, and lighting of the "M"/fireworks happen, so I'm really excited for that. ("Float On" by Modest Mouse. The lead singer's voice is kind of different, but the song is sort of catchy.)

I joined the Alchemist Club, which is the club for chemistry majors, and I've been to two meetings so far. I really think I'm going to like this club. We are going to do demonstrations for the boy scouts and girl scouts as well as elementary school students, among other things. Also, I joined with my friends Emma, Emily, Ashley, and Connor, which made things a little easier.

This school is full of really friendly people. Most people here are fairly easy to talk to, even the guys, which is saying something for me, because I usually end up avoiding any communication with the opposite gender at all costs. But nobody here compares to you ladies. I miss you all so much, I can't even put it into words. Something will happen and I will turn to tell one of you about it or make a reference to something that only you guys would understand, but then I realize that you guys aren't there. Some days I will suddenly just get overwhelmed with this feeling that I am alone here, even though I have made friends. It's just not the same without you all, because I truly feel connected with you all as if we really were sisters. I feel like I can't joke with anyone here like I can with you guys, because you all understand my sense of humor. It's hard for me to completely open up to people, but I trust you guys so much that it just comes easy with you all. I feel like here I always have to have my guard up, and that I can't completely be myself like I am around you guys. And maybe these things will get easier with time around here, but you ladies are always going to be the people that I have no need to hide myself from. You will always be my sisters. ("Waiting on the World to Change" by John Mayer)

Oh, and one more thing. I finished season 7 of Supernatural about a week ago, so I was having Supernatural withdrawal symptoms while I waited for season 8 to come out on Netflix. Well, yesterday it came out on Netflix and I was super excited I was vibrating all day, but when I went to watch the first episode, NETFLIX REFUSED TO LET ME WATCH IT, SAYING THAT THERE IS AN ERROR WITH MY NETWORK CONNECTION, WHEN I AM PLUGGED INTO THE WALL WITH AN INTERNET CABLE. I AM A GIANT SQUID OF ANGER RIGHT NOW.
("Hold on to What You Believe" by Mumford and Sons)



  1. Sara!!! This is G; I just love posting under Alex's name!
    Omg, I also have a cold and I sound all weird too. I'm glad you are getting along with people and "Connor" ;) I'm still scaring everyone away. So one point for Sara! Woohoo. That's cool, alchemist club. Dont blow anyone up!!!
    Miss you,

  2. SSEEERRRRAAAAA. Hi. (: I haven't talked to you in forever. Seriously. Text me sometime. I'm too lazy to strike up conversations with people. Speaking of lazy.. I currently have two papers to write.. a presentation to make.. and a midterm. I haven't even started. GO PROCRASTINATION!
    Yeah. I'm as bad as I was in high school. (;
    Miss and love you,
    PS: Gardenia is a loser.

  3. SSEEERRRRAAAAA. Hi. (: I haven't talked to you in forever. Seriously. Text me sometime. I'm too lazy to strike up conversations with people. Speaking of lazy.. I currently have two papers to write.. a presentation to make.. and a midterm. I haven't even started. GO PROCRASTINATION!
    Yeah. I'm as bad as I was in high school. (;
    Miss and love you,
    PS: Gardenia is a loser.

  4. Oh yea I'm a loser.
    Marissa had to posted her comment twice. Who is the loser now? Jk. Still love you Marissa. So as marissa said yea text us . I'm addicted to my phone now. So I'll most likely respond quickly.

  5. Oh yea I'm a loser.
    Marissa had to posted her comment twice. Who is the loser now? Jk. Still love you Marissa. So as marissa said yea text us . I'm addicted to my phone now. So I'll most likely respond quickly.

  6. Yes, I have heard On Top of the World and I like it : ) What station were you listening to by the way? Wait! So this means that I'm ahead of you in Supernatural????? How did that happen! You'll have to tell us all about tomorrow ok? And if you ever want to text or talk on the phone sometime, don't hesitate to text or call me : ) I haven't been this far away from my Sara for this long of a time in the last, what is it, 12 years? Heck, maybe I'll just drive up one day ; ) Miss you!
