Anyway, Colorado was amazing. I absolutely loved the mountains. They were so beautiful, I just don't even have words to describe it. But there was this moment I wish everyone could experience at least once in their life:
So we were at an elevation of 7,522 feet in the town we stayed in, which is basically this town smack dab in the middle of the mountains. Like a valley. Not much further up were the clouds. So to get to the top of this one mountain where all the tourists can drive too, you literally had to drive through this cloud. The only thing we could really see driving up was the yellow line in the middle of the road. Occasionally we could see the car in front of us and then drop offs to the right (yikes). But then there was this moment... one second we were hugging this yellow line for dear life and then literally the next second... this is our view:
This was so shocking not only because we were just clinging to the yellow line for dear life, but also because back down on the ground, it was completely cloudy. No blue to be seen. Then we get up here and its... gorgeous... and I wish everyone could experience that instant change to beauty at least once in their life.
Anyway, we ended up making it to the end of the road where there was a massive gift shop and this food place called Café in the Clouds. Awesome. The highest point we got to on foot was 12,005 feet above sea level. Let me tell ya, it hard to breath up there. My goodness, the first time I got out of the car I walked up this little hill, right, and I was trying to catch my breath for like three minutes. It seems to take three times longer to catch your breath up there than down here (Rockford is 715 feet above sea level... very low). But I have now made it my life's goal to climb Longs Peak which is 14,400 something feet above sea level and its an actual climb. So I'm recruiting anyone who wants to climb a mountain with me! We'd be climbing this one in the middle:
Any takers?
After I left the mountains :( I went to Denver to see Hank Green WHICH WAS AMAZING. I don't know what was better: the mountains or Hank Green. Like it was amazing to have Hank Green twenty feet away from me and do the GOOD MORNING JOHN ITS FRIDAY thing (which sadly did not get used... ). Denver is 5,280 feet above sea level and some of you may know how fast Hank sings in some of his songs. Well, he was making jokes and comments about "how do you people breath up here" and "you guys don't have enough air" which I was completely agreeing with (a stroll downtown Denver also left me out of breath). I am also now a fan of Harry and the Potters mainly because they're so freaking hilarious. See video below.
There was also this boy there that was handing out free CD's with two songs his band had written on it. So I picked one up. And they're pretty good. The guy I saw is on the far left in the beginning of this video.
I guess now its time for the bad news
As none of you know (at least currently), I got into an accident on Sunday. It was just in a parking lot and we were both backing up at the same time and didn't see the other. Well, my rear end isn't pretty. But it'll get fixed and as long as the other woman doesn't make a claim (which she shouldn't cuz shit didn't happen to her car, not even a scratch, and she was an old lady who was a sweetheart) then my insurance won't go up. But I was so upset because it was my first accident and I had just gotten back from driving all the way to Colorado and back without any problems. Ok I'm done talking about that.
Bad news part deux (that's two for non-French speakers) - also on Sunday, I find out they screwed up my financial aid... AGAIN. Seriously that pissed me off. And it turns out they lost my loan application so I had to fill out a new one and it still says my classes aren't paid for. Ugh.
Bad news finale - I'm not going to Michigan. I'm not going to the upper peninsula. The class has been cancelled. People dropped out. I'm really fucking upset and pissed off. End of story. That was also on Sunday.
Leading into Esther Day:
Since now I will be here on Esther Day, I want to do a project. Esther Day is in memorial to Esther Earl for which TFIOS is dedicated too. I'm not going in to detail since most of you know the story. Anyway, Esther Day is when you tell the people you care about that you love them no matter how hard it is to say it. I wanted us to do the Stick-it-to-Barnes-&-Noble again. Check out this video I saw posted on the This Star Won't Go Out Facebook page.
Uh.... I can't find the video... dammit... now I have to explain it.... Ok so basically it was a video of people putting notes into books saying "you are loved" or "you are beautiful" and really just positive, inspirational things like that, or quotes. And all the notes said Happy Esther Day on them. This year, This Star Won't Go Out and the Harry Potter Alliance are proposing we put these random notes anywhere we want too. On a wall, lamppost, fire hydrant, bathroom mirrors, anywhere in public really. I will probably put some on bathroom mirrors of public places, but I'm not going to urge you guys too. If you want to go ahead and do it, or give me a call and we can together. But I definitely want to do the post-it notes in Barnes & Noble. I'm going to try and mention this when the vast majority of us are together the next time, but Esther Day is coming up quickly. Here's a link where you can learn more:
I also have this link that you guys should check out of the current Esther Day project and how it's going. Some ideas for what to write later.
That's finally it. I'm leaving with what I've come to love as my favorite song. Its called Sticks and Stones by Jonsi and its from How to Train Your Dragon. This song make me feel so good and happy. Part of it is in Icelandic. Its beautiful.
I'm up for a climb. And I'm sorry all that happened in a day.
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