Hayley Williams is as cute a button. No joke. She is so energetic and loves to talk to the crowd, which I think is cool. Also, she dyed her hair bright blue, which I personally like a lot better than the orange. I hope she keeps it blue for a little while. At one point she said, "I have a question for you guys. How many of you have been fans of us for a while and have been to one of our concerts before?" A bunch of people screamed and she said, "It's nice to see you again! Welcome back!" Then she said, "I have an even more important question, though." Connor was next to me and said, "Yes, I'll marry you." I cracked up, but then she said, "How any of you have never been to one of our concerts before, or maybe don't even know who we are?" We all screamed, and she said, "Hello! It's nice to meet you! We've been waiting for you. Does that sound creepy?"
At one point the two main guitarists did this cool trick. While still playing, one of the bent over, and the other back-rolled across the one guy's back. It was pretty sick.
I'm pretty sure most of you know the song above, but it was really cool what happened at the concert when they played it. We were all singing along with her, and all of a sudden she stopped singing, so we all picked it up and screamed, "I watched his wildest dreams come true, and not one of them involving you, just watch my wildest dreams come true, and not one of them INVOLVING!" Then the guitars were supposed to go crazy, but instead they got really quiet, and everyone got really confused. Then Hayley said, "Gotcha, didn't I? You know, my voice is getting kind of scratchy, and I really need some water, so I think I'm going to need someone else to come up here and take over this part for me." She then picked a girl out of the crowd and finished the song up with her. It was pretty cool.
We only stayed for about half of Fall Out Boy, because we weren't exactly sure how to get out of Milwaukee, and we wanted to do it before there was a lot of traffic. Plus, we (meaning Connor, John- Connor's roomate/best friend- and I) aren't very big Fall Out Boy fans. John didn't seem to really know who they were, and Connor and I know some of their songs, but not really enough to sing along or anything. Basically, we waited until this song (see Youtube video below) was played, and then we left, because this was the only song we really wanted to hear. (Sorry Alex)
We were wanting to try and check out some of the free venues that they had, but by the time we finally found the parking lot our parking pass was for and grabbed something to eat, we needed t get to the concert. It was freaking awesome though, and I really want to find out who is playing at Summerfest next summer (hopefully someone I really like is playing, if not I probably won't go).
New Politics was the opening act. I only knew of one song by them ("Harlem" which I have posted in a previous entry) but hearing them live I wish I had listened to more of their songs beforehand. They are really pretty good (at least I think so). Also, the lead singer can breakdance, and it's awesome. Here's one that they played at the concert (they drop the F-bomb a few times, so don't listen when little ears are around)
Here's another song by them that is pretty catchy.
Also, I went shooting for the first time ever this weekend, and apparently I'm pretty good. I shot a .22 rifle, an AK-47, and two handguns that I can't remember the names of.
Anyway, that's about all I have to talk about, so I'll leave it at that.
I'm glad you had a great time hun :) I shall check out these videos later. Thank you for getting me into this awesome music by the way!
ReplyDeleteAlways happy to share music! Gotta love punk rock/punk pop!