Tuesday, December 10, 2013

are those crickets i hear?

Anybody home...cricket cricket cricket
OK well im enough for you guys. Who doesn't appreciate this person? Hmm. So I'm waiting for my chemistry final to start. Fun. And I wanted to be a chemist. Yup. Guess I'll have to search for my chemistry passion again since I'm thinking to major in it. A chemist? Yea. Make potions woohoo, I mean chemicals. So........................................................................................................................................................................................................................oh wait I got.......................never mind.................................................so who is enjoying the weather? It makes you want to chill in a bath full of nice cold ice cubes with glass of lemonade. Hell no! We need a hot peppermint mocha and to hide underneath a large pile of blankets. Hibernate the rest of our lives! Well goodbye, going to see if my prof is in so that I start my torturous exam. Yay! Wish me luck guys.
Love G

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