Tuesday, December 3, 2013

hello fellow human beans

Hi. :) I'm really excited right now and I feel the need to post. So buogiorno mes amis! It's probably just the coffee (aka jet fuel). And I've had a really great past couple of days. I thought this week was going to be horrible with 12 papers to write on top of studying and everything, but a lot of great things have happened that have motivated me and kept me happy. I wanna go skip around campus, tossing flowers into the air. Like the weather??!!! I'm loving the foggy rain. And I've adopted an imaginary friend who always sits beside me and keeps me positive and working. I swear I'm not losing it! I feel more sane than I have for most of the semester, so I'm not going crazy; he just really helps. Plus, it's not super late, so I'm good. Just, life! and love! and coffee! I'm loving it all.

And I'm really excited for winter break. I might just spend a couple days at everyone's house because I wanna kiss all of your faces so much and cuddle you in your sleep and spin you around until you see stars.

This has been one of the most difficult, rewarding three months of my life, and not just because of the workload. In my life outside of the classroom, as well. For me personally and with all of my relationships: with you guys and my family. I feel like we've all been through so much individually in such a short period of time and that's only made it more intense and rough. We all deserve a massive break and a night of just chilling out and talking. Or not. I just really like talking. Oh! And you guys gotta remind me about the jars! The jars are gonna be fun. I think I'm gonna throw a house party when break starts. I now understand why college kids party and drink so much.

Here have this half-naked ghost guy punching out your virginity.




  1. Omg!
    Really? Punching out your virginity. Ha that's funny.

    1. I wouldn't mind if he punched out my virginity.
