Guess we are all back in town huh. Even though i haven't heard from some people. I wont mention names. hhh hmm. Nevermind ill mention one, SARA. Just kidding Sara still love you, and i understand you have been quite busy. With all your finals. Talking about finals, CAN YOU GUYS BELIEVE WE HAVE FINISHED OUR FIRST SEMESTER OF COLLEGE; INCLUDING MARYANNE!!! Still love you Maryanne :) Alex was able to tough it out in Chicago without getting herself in a situation as Johnston mentioned, but not without overloading on coffee. Hahaha. I loved how you referred to it as "jet fuel." Thankfully i only came to rely on it once. So ive been building a lionfish, Yup a lionfish. Not the best lionfish made out there but its hopefully enough. If its not then oh well. My fingers hurt from carving out the shapes of the fin and i dont need to start over. I yelled at Maryanne and now i feel bad. Her heavy criticism did help me in class, but this time all i wanted to hear was that it looks close to the real thing. I just want to get it done. Talking about lionfish reminds me of the show Tanked. I really love that show, i love the colorful fish placed into these creatively designed tanks and i wonder if i could ever come up with an idea like those on the spot. Lets be realistic here, my projects may look good (yes im bragging but i dont want to hurt anyone. ive seen some of your drawings and they are amazing!!! I wish each of you showed me more often.) but it takes me forever to come up with ideas. And to admit, my dad has helped me with that my entire high school art years. Well back to what i was going to say. I watched an episode yesterday where Brett and Wayde built a dunkin donut shaped fish tank. Now that thing was amazing. Ill try to look for a picture, and i apologize for my bad grammar.
Well here it is. Somewhere below. Doesnt that look appetizing?! Just reminded me of alex... i mean Alexandria... as she is calling herself now. Reason why? Idk only she does. Well i just wanted to post something, ill include more Tanked pictures of some of my favorites. IF YOU HAVENT WATCHED THIS SHOW YOU MUST AND I MEAN TRY TO WATCH THIS SHOW. NOT ONLY DO THEY BUILD TANKS THEY PLAY HILARIOUS PRANKS ON EACH OTHER. I GUESS THAT IS WHAT THEY GET FOR BEING BROTHER IN LAWS. BUT REALLY ITS AN AMAZING SHOW. I GIVE IT A 10 OUT OF 10!!!
OH before i forget, i have finished the divergent series. It was great overall. Kind of want to find the author to hold a "gentle" conversation about some aspects throughout the entire series; but it was good overall. For those of you who are reading keep reading and for those who havent then start. We have to watch this movie!
ttyl, G
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