Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

Hey ladies, Merry Christmas <3

I thought I'd make some sappy Christmas post just to let you know how much I love every one of you. I'm gonna insert a video here for any one who's using a computer and can multi task.

Anyways, it's not exactly been a good year. There's been a lot of stuff going on and  quite frankly, none of my holidays this year have gone well at all. But I want you all to know that if it weren't for you ladies and Julian this year, I don't know where I'd be right now. I just couldn't have gotten through this year without you ladies and him. I love you so much and I consider you guys as a second family.

Remember the Santa years? Where you went to bed all excited, waited for the reindeer on the roof, a sound in the living room telling you: Santa's here! But you never heard anything (possibly) but when you woke up, the cookies were gone, milk glass empty, and presents from Santa under the tree. And you thought (maybe) wow he was so quiet! I missed him! That was the magic of Santa.

I remember one year all I wanted was a stinking Barney Banjo. That's all I wanted. My parents wanted me to keep believing in Santa, but.... the Barney Banjo's weren't sold anywhere in Rockford... so my dad ended up going to Chicago to get me this annoying toy. So I still believed in Santa. Years later when I had grown out of the Barney Banjo, my grandparents took it so my little cousin could play with it when they came to visit.... she ended up hitting my older cousin in the face with it... Ahaha... it was a really hard toy.

I just thought I'd share that.

I miss the old Christmas's where my family used to come down from Wisconsin and spend Christmas day here and my parents and I would go over in the morning. I had so much fun back then. My great grandmother would even make it down too.

It's getting late and Santa is coming so I think I'm done for the night. So:

Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night

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