Saturday, November 9, 2013


So..... I have a boyfriend now. :) Here's the scoop:

So about a week ago Connor and I had told each other that we liked each other. We're both pretty nervous about this kind of stuff, and he didn't want to rush things with me since he knew that I had never had a boyfriend before, and his last girlfriend was freshman year, and things ended badly.

One of my friends at Platteville is in the orchestra here and she was going to be the concert master for the concert that they were having Friday night. I decided that I was going to go to support her (by the way she sounded incredible) and so I asked Connor if he wanted to come along. He said yes, so I went with him, another friend of mine who is friends with Emily (the concert master), and then Connor's roommate came along because he had to be there for an assignment for Music Appreciation. They played a few songs from operas and musicals, but then they also played a few from Lord of the Rings *insert nerdgirl squeal here*. Anyway, Connor and I were sitting next to each other, and he had his legs crossed with his knee closest to me. Throughout the concert he had his hand on his leg and I noticed that it was slowly inching closer and closer to my hand. Me, being the moron that I am, wasn't quite sure if he was trying to hold my hand, or if he was just adjusting his hand or whatever. Anyway, during one of the Lord of the Rings songs, he leaned over and whispered, "May I hold your hand?" Without even saying anything I just grabbed his hand and held it for the rest of the performance.

Today, his hall was going on a trip to the mining museum (yes we have a mining museum here. UWP actually used to be a mining school), and he was allowed one guest, so he asked if I wanted to come with. I said sure and he paid for my ticket. But, before we had left to go to the museum, he turned to me and asked if I wanted to be dating, so I said sure.

We haven't kissed or anything, because we both want to take things really slow, but he's such a gentleman. He said the reason why he wanted to ask me if he could hold my hand was because he respects me and my feelings.

So.... yeah, that's what's been going on in my life right now. Literally haven't been able to focus on anything all weekend because I feel like I'm on Cloud Freaking Nine. :)

Love always,


  1. That's so exciting! Wow!!! He sounds like a gentleman!!! He is a keeper Sara!!!


