Monday, November 11, 2013

Chicago trip!!

Ok ladies, here's some information about what could happen next Saturday. I'm not much of a big planner so if there's something specific any of you want to do, I suggest you text me ASAP. I do think we need to go to the big Disney Store though.... just saying.

So it looks like there is a train leaving Harvard at 8:35 in the morning. That's probably the one we want to take so we can get there and have a lot of time to do whatever the hell we want. That means I'd want to leave Rockford no later than 7:45 (yes Brooke, in the morning). I will leave without you if you are not ready : ) Alex says the train ride from Harvard to Chicago takes about an hour and a half, so we should be in Chicago no later than 10:15-10:30.

Marissa, depending on if you have to work or whatever, you can catch our train sometime... I don't know what station you want to go to so text me and we can work things out.

Anyway, once we're in Chicago and Alex has met up with us, we are gonna have ourselves a great day! Depending on how much money you guys want to spend, we could just bring a lunch and some snacks or we could eat cheap or whatever. No fancy five-star restaurants now, I work at McDonald's people I'm not rich ; )

The light parade doesn't start until 5:30, so we have until then to do whatever we want. The parade ends around 7 and then there's fireworks if any of you want to see them. It doesn't say how the long the fireworks last but they shouldn't be too long.

As for leaving, it looks like there's a train leaving at 8:30, 10:30, and 12:30. I don't know if we'd be able to make the 8:30 train, but I pray we make the 10:30 one... cuz that would suck if we had to wait til 12:30...

So like I said before, it's $7 round trip ticket for the train. Just in case we get really turned around (I've done that before...) the subway costs $2.25 otherwise suck it up cuz we can walk : ) unless we all get too tired and its a mutual decision.

If you bring a bag, Alex says to make sure it slings across your body so it doesn't get stolen. Don't get scared, its just a precaution. I think it's more comfortable too.

My offer still stands Sara. I can come get you on the 22nd after your last class so you can join us : )

So... ummm I think that's everything. I would like to know if you guys can go as soon as possible. Please don't wait until the last minute to let me know if you can go.



  1. It isn't too long of a walk from the train to Michigan Ave and all the stuff that's going on, but like Rachel said, if you guys get tired, especially later, we can take the sub. I know all the main streets pretty well (I've done a lot of walking down there and it is easier to navigate than I thought), so we're good with that. I will inform my mother about this, so if any parents have any concerns about the train ride or the city they can call her. Make sure to dress warm! You can always take layers off. It's gonna be getting colder and the wind is getting pretty wicked around here. There's plenty of stuff that we can do before the actual parade starts, like the Disney store, like Rachel said. Umm. I think that's it. Except, I have to go downtown by myself three days a week for one of my classes and I always feel very safe (this is not downtown Rockford) so if anyone or their parents are concerned about that, I'd be happy to talk to them (or have my mom talk to them) about it. Okay, I think that's it for now. :)
    Alex <3

    1. Here's my mom's number:
      Feel free to call whenever.

    My parents are discussing whether or not they can pick me up on Friday (it all kind of depends on whether or not my mom has to work that night or not). I will tell them to hurry up and make their decision so that I can let you know Rachel.

  3. It's ok Sara, I just want to know who's going. They don't have to hurry.
