Monday, November 18, 2013

I wish I could sleep but the plastic lady has taken up residency in my room

I know I said I would stop staying up late but I literally can't fall asleep tonight. (Probably because I stay up so late). I went to bed pretty early, but I laid there for about an hour and a half, listening to my roommate come in and out of the room because she's going through some drama with her friends, and finally I couldn't lay there anymore. Actually, I was online on my phone and I found a very horrifying true life story and it scared the bejesus out of me, so I started hearing noises, and after a quick scan of my room, I literally sprung out of bed, nearly falling on the way down, and booked out of the room. Then I hid out in the bathroom for awhile...until I started hearing noises in there, too. And now, of course, I feel like I'm gonna barf, so I'm just chilling out in the hall, avoiding my haunted room, and waiting for the inevitable. So I decided to post because I might as well do something productive. (Which really isn't productive. I'm just trying to make myself tired.


I hope you guys had a fabulous weekend. The drag show sounded fun. ;) AND I'M EXTREMELY JEALOUS THAT YOU GOT TO MEET CONNOR, RACHEL.

I think one day I'll show you guys that story, but I'm too freaked to find it again. It's like those creepy pasta things, Marissa.

So I'm very proud of how this presentation is coming along. I think it'll really knock your socks off (among other articles of clothing). It's a real winner. I've been putting a lot of thought into this, mostly because I like planning things, so don't freak out that I'm doing all this stuff. I just really like putting stuff together and doing research for fun.

Some of the girls on my floor just yelled at me to go to bed. If I could, I would.

So I've been assembling a list of movies we should watch when we do a movie night. I'm very proud of myself for it. You guys should start racking 'em up, as well. I've picked some really fun ones, some really sad ones, and  A PARTICULAR ONE WITH A BOY THAT HAS A PARTICULARLY GORGEOUS SMILE THAT WILL MELT YOUR HEART AND TURN YOUR LOINS INTO BUTTER THAT I FEEL BAD FOR LIKING BECAUSE IT IS INCREDIBLY ILLEGAL AT HIS AGE AND I REALLY WANT TO TELL YOU ABOUT IT RIGHT NOW BUT I'M NOT GONNA DO THAT. SO YOU CAN'T BEAT ME I AM ALL POWERFUL.

Sara has a boyfriend. Sorry, it really just hit me tonight.

I really want to try to go to sleep again, but a) I know it won't work, and b) that plastic lady is probably still waiting for me. It's like, before I wasn't scared of things in my room because I thought, "oh, new place, new building, there's all these other people around, nothing bad can happen here." It's like when you sleep at a hotel. It's too sterile to be filled with ghosts. But now that gloss has worn off and now I think there's people hiding under my bed or if I flash the light on my phone around the room that plastic lady with the needle teeth is gonna be staring at me. Then I thought about The Conjuring and how that demon was perched on top of the wardrobe and I thought he might be on top of mine and I freaked out. It's like how I was at home, except I was familiar with all the shadows and shapes in my room. Now a cup on my desk freaks me out.

And I feel like a mom. Most nights I can't sleep until my roommate gets back to our room. I'm not scared for her or anything, I just can't fall asleep until everything is in place. She's supposed to be in bed at 2am, so I have to wait for her to come to bed. I used to do the same thing at home. I couldn't fall asleep until the rest of my family was in bed.

How bout them thunderstorms today? I think a lot of people who aren't from the Midwest got really freaked out. Like them yahoos from California.

I'm so terrified to go back to my room. I wish I could go run to my sister's room like I normally do and curl up with her (this isn't a heartwarming story, we don't roll that way). That was always fun because she would always start screaming at me and kick me off the bed so I'd have to lay on the floor. Then I would slowly slink my way back up the mattress and curl up at her feet like a dog so she wouldn't notice me. Oh my God, this actually happened. What kind of life was I living??

OH! HERE'S SOMETHING IMPORTANT. No wait, I'll tell you in person. I have very many important things to tell you, but I'd rather do it in person because I like seeing the look on people's faces as I tear their world apart.

I taste vomit in my mouth.

Wow, you did not need to know that. But we're all family here, right? RIGHT??

Basically what I want to do is get a big house and put you all in it and see how you live together. I think there would be a lot of fighting, but I think that would be the fun part. You're not truly comfortable with someone until you can point out their flaws in a malicious fashion. No, but I think it'd be fun, doing the dishes together, taking turns for the shower, getting acquainted with eachother's habits that they don't normally show anyone. Like, I like to walk around naked a lot and sleep in the middle of the floor, so that'd be fun to get used to. And, I don't know about you guys, but I, well obviously as you can tell, I have very odd nights where I stay up until I can't feel my face. I have gotten yelled at a lot by my parents for screaming at the top of my lungs and dancing around the house in my underwear at 3am. That'd be fun stuff to explore... I just can't wait to see Marissa passed out in a corner in the middle of the night because she decided it'd be a good place to contact the spirit world. Or listening to Gardenia complain about the clogged up shower drain. Or Rachel pretend that she's a vacuum and start rolling around on the floor. Or waking up in the middle of the night to find Sara 2 inches from your face, whispering an ancient language to you as she attempts to lick your eyeball. I wouldn't mind having my eyeball licked by Sara Rubeck. I think we'd have fun. I think we'd break a lot of stuff. I think we'd discover a lot about each other that we didn't know before. You never truly know someone until you live with them.

That plastic lady is still waiting, I know it. I think I'm gonna fall asleep with the light on.


  1. Omg! I thought we needed to help Maryanne but we got the wrong person. Its Alex that needs help. I think college has destroyed her sanity!!!! You need to find a way to go to sleep! I know you can't but you have to try.
    Alex you really need to tell us what you didn't finish telling us. Its too long to wait two weeks to find out what you were going to say.
    I really care about you guys and no offense but if we all lived under the same roof we would actually be fighting. And not a verbal fight but a kick and punches fight. I would so beat sara though. I guess you don't know me well Alex. I wouldn't freak out about a clogged shower I would freak out if I turn around and saw you walking around nude and singing at three in the morning. I think I would probably throw you in a dungeon and keep you there until later in the morning. I'll keep food down there though. Eating under the same roof would also be chaotic. Imagine gravy and biscuits in the morning and Sara freaking out. Or Sara and peanut butter while Alex freaks out!
    Going back to class have fun and SLEEP!!!

  2. Alex, I'm glad that you are at least trying to go to bed earlier. Keep trying though, and eventually your sleep schedule will go back to normal. Good luck with the plastic lady. Use salt!!! YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH I WOULD LOVE TO GET A HOUSE WITH Y'ALL AND HAVE ALL OF US LIVE TOGETHER. I agree that we would probably start arguing eventually, but that's what families do. They argue because they love each other. I think that it would be so much fun. NOW I WANT TO LIVE IN A HOUSE SOMEWHERE AS A FAMILY TOGETHER. CAN WE JUST DO THAT PLEASE???

  3. Replies
    1. I honestly really regret showing you that. I'm really sorry.
