Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Story of my first kiss

So last night I got my first kiss, and I was going to wait to tell you ladies in person, but the way it happened was just so cute that I can't wait.

Last night after chemistry club Connor and I decided to have a movie night since we weren't going to see each other until next week. So we went back to his dorm and when we got inside he just kind of stood in the middle of the room. After a few seconds he pointed up to the ceiling, and there was a ductaped devil's trap there. I fangirled like crazy and took a picture of it right away (posted below) and he laughed nervously and turned red. He said, "this is really cheesy and I'm sorry but I'm stuck and can't leave until you kiss me."

It was the cutest, nerdiest thing ever and I absolutely loved it.

About halfway through the movie his roommate came in with this conspiring smile and asked, "so how did Sara like our devil's trap?" I thought it was the cutest thing ever and I'm still smiling just thinking about it.

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