So G posting right now.
No peeking..................
So i might as well add a little distraction. Just finished reading Clockwork Prince and i must say, now iknow how Rachel felt when she was reading Allegiant. Which by the way you must all read. I felt like iwas going to burst because no one else is reading it. And im deeply curious as to how the last book will finally summarize the trilogy. Go Will!! Go Jem!!! You must read the books to understand why. So at moment im going to read Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea before seeing Rachel. Still haventread The Fault in our Stars and no that doesnt make a criminal. But i am currently tempted to go towalmart and buy the Clockwork Princess, Still cant seem to figure out how Infernal Devices and Mortal Instruments are connected :/ which is killing me further.
So time to start this survey. May take a while. And like i said no peeking.....
End of 2013 Survey:
Did you have a resolution last year and did you keep it?
What is a resolution? Could it be that it was a change i sought and didnt follow through with it? Yes. Yes it was. And do you guys want to know what it was? It's something many ladies want to make come true but most realize that they are too lazy to do it. Including me. I didnt truly have a definite resolution, i guess it was just to get in shape.
Do you feel bad about not keeping it?
Of course i feel bad. Jeez eating all that junk food has made the work ten times harder. But i guess idecreased my laziness a bit. I didnt spend my whole summer sitting on a couch 24/7 reading. Instead iwould take my book outside and helped coach summer ball. I still read though, dont take it the wrong way, just saying there was less slouching around. So there was a minute, and i mean very minute improvement.
Favorite song:
Darte un Beso by Prince Royce
Most annoying song:
Get Lucky by Daft Punk
Anyone who loves to hear this song? Well guess what? You play this song in front of me and i will strangle you...not literally...but i will burst into a thousand pieces and make you clean up the gory bits so that you will piece me back together. And all my organs better be in the correct spots. Well maybe you could get rid of some fat so i look thinner once again.
Favorite actor/actress:
Actor- Kevin Zegers
Actress- Gemma Arterton
Hottest celebrity, or anyone in that realm of people you don’t know but desperately feel the need to touch (can be more than one, i understand):
Kevin Zegers
Taylor Lautner
Prince Royce
Michael Trevino
Jonathan Islas
Channing Tatum
Alexander Ludwig
Liam Hemsworth
Orlando Bloom
Jeremy's face (Vampire Diaries)
OMG and many more.
Something new that you got into this year:
I got into lotions. LOL Before this year, i would barely remember to use it, but after one trip to bath and body i am addicted for life.
Favorite movie:
The Croods

Follow ups-
Meet the Robinsons


Catching Fire

You must watch! Some of these have inspired me to invent. Olaf counts as an invention :) And others have inspired me to find inner strength. Like i need any more lol
Favorite artist:
Once again so many to choose from
Banda Carnaval

Banda San Jose
Los Valedores
Prince Royce

Imagine Dragons
Selena Gomez*
Demi Lovato*
Many more...
*Idk why i just do
Favorite book:
So many books and i cant seem to remember any of them... well i will be listing my favorite at top and others i recall.

City of Bones

Brave New World
Imager's Challange
Pride and Predijuce
Fictional Character you miss the most:
Fictional Character you miss the most:
Rounin :'(
TV Show?
Vampire Diaries

Favorite class (high school or college):
High School- Art
College- Calculus I
Favorite teacher:
There are a alphabetical order
Zuba ( he gave our class many life lessons )
Prefer to be in high school or college?
High school of course. You guys made that chapter in my life worth remembering. The laughs, the victories, the tears, the hugs, the time spent together, the memories. That is part of a treasure i will never be willing to part with :)
Favorite moment of high school this year:
There are so many great moments! I cant believe you are making me choose Alexandria!!!! Im going to label not going to choose one over others.
Baldwin Surprise Party
Softball Catches
Winning MVP award (OMG the face Aurora made)
Harlem Shake Video
Playing tricks under Mrs. Power's nose in seventh hour
Paint the dam
Zoo trip
And countless more...
What do you miss most about high school/what do you miss least?
Most- The people i grew attached to
Least- The work we had to do in class, with the exception of art.
Is Pocahontas a princess?

Who has inspired you the most this year?
Even though that little boy takes a while to answer he has truly inspired me.
Something that gave you hope for the world:
Prince George was born. A leader who could make a major change in the future.
What has this world come to??
This is what i wonder about often. I see my siblings playing on tablets and how much has technology changed our style of living! Kids nowadays dont even know what a floppy disk is. I remember avoiding youtube because i was terrified that the desktop would get a virus just by opening it. Being serious. Started using youtube not long ago. And here are my siblings playing games on various websites, things i didnt know how to do until recently. This dependency, how sad.
Any paranormal experiences:
No and i hope it stays this way
Show us a picture of something you created!
Show us a picture of something you created!
Favorite quote:
" Keep moving forward "
- Meet the Robinsons
Guilty pleasure
Absolute favoritest moment/event of this entire year:
Making my very first diving catch against Harlem High School on our home turf!!! Even though i landed on top of my glove this has to be my absolute favorite. Up to that moment in time, my softball playing career was weak with the exception of a few good hits, but that catch was the turning point. I gained a greater amount of confidence, more than i thought i could feel.
Worst moment:
Absolute worst- Realizing that i am related to many people
Thing that got you through the rough patches (can be a song, quote book, movie, person(s), etc):
Family and friends
Song that makes you feel good every time:
Everything has Changed by Taylor Swift
* yes Sara I'll listen to her songs sometimes
Bad habit you picked up:
Going to the vending machine as my source of food for my first semester of college. Pack a healthy lunch if you are planning to wait there in between classes. This is how i gained weight and got my cavities.
Place you wanted to visit the most:
Paris, France

Ok maybe not that last one....completely forget that last one.
What's your proudest moment?
Even though i got a B in English, I am proud that i completed high school strong and was able to share my graduation moment with those i love.
Emus or ostriches?
Arent they the same thing?
Person you were close to before, but grew away from:
No one in 2013 as far as i can remember
Any dreams that stuck out (like actual sleeping dreams):
Oh my,
You have already heard this one
The one where i was at a party and thwarted the bad guys plot by going Isabelle Lightwood on them. You guys were in it, and i told you to spread word to keep down as i sneaked around pricking the bad guys with a conch-shaped necklace i was wearing. The necklace contained a liquid that knocked them out cold. I think i might have given Rachel a necklace too. Cant remember.

I really have to keep away from those books for a while. But they are so good. No G they are making your dreams go all whack. But...
Thing you wish you could change about this year:
I wish i had found a job, would have been able to save up for things i want. Like more books
Thing you wish you could change about yourself:
The thing i truly wish to change about myself is to become a better person, instead of sitting around ishould be helping my mother more with all the chores. Instead of arguing with siblings on a daily basis, ishould be teaching them to read and draw. Instead of thinking about my laziness, i should be thinking of way to improve myself.
Thing you wish would have happened, but didn’t:
I wish i had kept up in the running for Valedictorian. But im not complaining, i accept what i got. Its still something amazing, something my parents are proud off. And that is what i care about.
Someone you wish you would’ve gotten closer to:
The person i wish i had gotten closer to would be Sintheya. For those who dont know her, she is a junior right now who plays softball for East, but she is truly one of the nicest person i have met. Her optimism is contagious.
Someone (or more than one) you did get close to:
Ernie (my sobrino)
If you could devour anyone in the world, who would it be?
If you could devour anyone in the world, who would it be?
Matt Marshall
Who doesnt?
Tell me a story, any story:
Tell me a story, any story:
Ok so this isn't a made up story. But i find it funny and touching. I loved going ice skating, now i wish i had gone when i was younger. Ice skating was part of a list of things ive always wanted to do but never did when i was a kid, along with horse riding. But i finally did do this one listing.
So i have a story, well more like a confession... So you know how Sabrina said that we made a bond? Well..... She covered up for me. I did fall once, i was going pretty fast until i somehow turned the skate a wrong way and fell backwards. Sabrina helped me and said she wouldnt say anything. She held true to her word. So i want no mention of this to Sabrina, i want the bond to stay. I didnt want to say anything to you guys because i hurt my pride with that fall, and you could figure out other reasons.
Favorite selfie! Sounds lame, but it’s good to look at yourself and be happy with what you see.
I dont take selfies, but ill try to remember to take one before i post this. My sister in room, feels awkward to take a selfie with her in same room so not putting one.
Favorite moment while hanging out with friends:
Going to six flags, and seeing the reaction on Sara's face after we got off the Raging Bull. Probably should have started her on the smaller rollercoasters.
Favorite moment with family:
My favorite family moment in 2013 were the cookouts we had, seeing my dad experiments with the different seasonings for meat. Not all at once, that would be horrible.
Favorite holiday:
Obviously my B-day
JK it would have to be Christmas
"Holy canoli that was unexpected!" moment:
No offense Sara, but i didnt expect you getting a boyfriend the first semester of college. One minute our little Sara was single and set on continuous studying. And now our Sara is all grown up, balancing a life of school and a boyfriend. Im getting all teary just thinking about this. I hope i get someone as sweet.
Any news stories or worldwide events that left an impact on you?
Well the news story that left me thinking " O.o " was the fire in the Brazil Club. So many people dead, and that is what makes it sad. Life can be taken away at any moment.
What career path were you considering?
I am thinking about pursuing some form of Engineering, but i will see if it is the path i want to take after completing Intro to Engineering. If that doesnt turn out to be the correct path, then i was considering a major in Chemistry or Mathematics (possibly a major in one and a minor in the other)
Do you feel you are the same person you were when you started the year?
Do you feel you are the same person you were when you started the year?
I am absolutely sure that i changed from the beginning of the year. I became more outgoing and determined to look a bit more girly. Oh and my vocabulary has been corrupted a bit and not for thebest...hmm... i wonder who caused that change? But i want to know what you guys think? Have ichanged?
Favorite conversation (if you can remember it):
Too many, although the 2am ones were hilarious.
Oh there is some that can be summarized.

Any days that were absolutely perfect and didn’t go wrong?
Hmmm. I would say that prom went absolutely perfect, but i was late for pictures :/ Yet i still think it was the most perfect of all the candidates.
Did any of your goals change?
Did any of your goals change?
Goals always change for me, sometimes they are for the best and other times they turned for the worst. But the most notable change, was to end my senior year strong instead of perfect. Planning doesntalways go as planned.
Would you consider this is good or bad year, overall:
Are we getting to the end of this survey? Ive been on my laptop for four hours already, but i want to get it done.
Are we getting to the end of this survey? Ive been on my laptop for four hours already, but i want to get it done.
Overall this year has been the best!!! And i owe this to friends and family. Thank you ladies!!! Hope 2014 is a great.
One word to sum up 2013:
One word to sum up 2013:
Any regrets?
Not making many friends my first semester of college.
Any resolutions for this year?
Get into shape for sure and get a job.
Hopes for 2014:
Grow in personality and become a better being; someone who will continue to succeed.
Get a job and meet someone who i can get to know better.
Do you guys have anything to say extra? Always love to hear what you have to say.
ReplyDeleteAnd yeah, I think you've changed. But not in a bad way.