Monday, January 6, 2014

Sara's 2013 Survey


Okay, you are now allowed to read my answers without fear of being destroyed.
Did you have a resolution last year and did you keep it?
Last year I wanted a bikini-ready body. Did I keep it? Obviously not.
Do you feel bad about not keeping it?
Yes and no. Not keeping the resolution didn't help much with my self-image issues, but I also love food too much.
Favorite song:
You really expect me to pick just one? Fine. At the moment it is "Welcome to the Black Parade" by My Chemical Romance.
Most annoying song:
This year there wasn't a song that came out that annoyed me, but Connor showed me one that was disturbing. Does that count? It's "Little Piece of Heaven" by Avenged Sevenfold. Not gonna lie, it's twisted. But I guess the song that has always annoyed me (even though it came out a few years ago) is "Stuck Like Glue" by Sugarland. That song makes me want to detach my ears from my head and feed them to starving wolves.
Favorite actor/actress:
Actress: Jennifer Lawrence. Duh. 
Actor: Its a tie between Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, and Misha Collins. There's no way you can expect me to choose between the three of them.
Hottest celebrity, or anyone in that realm of people you don’t know but desperately feel the need to touch (can be more than one, i understand):
See above. 'nuff said.
Something new that you got into this year:
Dr. Who
Favorite movie:
Tangled. Maximus is my spirit animal.
Favorite artist:
Taylor Swift (but that goes without saying)
Angus and Julia Stone
Those are my top two, but I love so many more. I've been starting to get into My Chemical Romance and Paramore as well.
Favorite book:
Seriously? I can only pick one? That's like asking a mother to pick her favorite child. Nope, sorry but you are getting a list.
Anything by John Green, but especially The Fault in Our Stars (GARDENIA I WILL TIE YOU TO A CHAIR IF I HAVE TO UNTIL YOU READ THIS BOOK) and Paper Towns.
The Divergent Series (I'm reading Allegiant right now)
Everyday by David Levithan
Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
Brave New World
Fictional Character you miss the most:
Kevin Tran
TV Show?
Is that even a question? SUPERNATURAL. Hands down.
Favorite class (high school or college):
High School: It's between AP English and AP Chemistry
College: Between chemistry and criminal justice
Favorite teacher:
Mrs. Powers and Mr. Zuba
Prefer to be in high school or college?
I like the freedom and the people that I have met in college, but I really miss seeing all of your beautiful faces everyday. I love both equally. Can we mash them together?
Favorite moment of high school this year:
I loved working on our Macbeth project. I think we should have won a Grammy for that thing.
What do you miss most about high school/what do you miss least?
Most: Seeing your beautiful smiles everyday.
Least: The stress. That was awful.
Is Pocahontas a princess?
Oh not this again. YES. END OF STORY.
Who has inspired you the most this year? (can be someone you know or don’t know)
There are too many for me to list. It's the little acts the people do that make me think that the world is not entirely falling apart.
Something that gave you hope for the world:
A five-year-old little boy that was battling Leukemia asked the Make a Wish foundation if he could be batman for a day, and the city of San Francisco pulled together to  create a fake robbery done by The Riddler and to create a situation where he had to save a damsel in distress.
What has this world come to??
Miley Cyrus's outfits. That's all I have to say on this topic.
Any paranormal experiences:
Many will claim that this was not a paranormal experience, but I beg to differ. When I was cutting through one of the academic buildings after the drag show at Platteville a pop machine's arm thingy that is used to grab the pop moved on its own. It was terrifying. No joke.

Show us a picture of something you created!
eh, how about not.
Favorite quote:
"The world may be broken, but hope is not crazy." -John Green
Guilty pleasure (I don’t care about your masturbating schedule; think silly movies or playing with legos):
Supernatural and tumblr
Absolute favoritest moment/event of this entire year:
In no particular order:
My first kiss
Sleepovers with you ladies
And I know there are more but I'm blanking on the rest of them.
Worst moment:
I can't really think of the worst moment of this year. I must have blocked it out.
Thing that got you through the rough patches (can be a song, quote book, movie, person(s), etc):
You guys
My ipod
Song that makes you feel good every time:
Harlem by New Politics. I don't know why, it just makes me want to dance every time I hear it.
Bad habit you picked up:
I can't really think of any that I have picked up this year, but one that I have had this habit for most of my life is that I apologize for absolutely EVERYTHING, even if it is not my fault.
Place you wanted to visit the most:
New York, New York

What's your proudest moment?
Emus or ostriches?
Ostriches. Duh. 
Person you were close to before, but grew away from:
I don't think I grew away from anyone I was close to this year.
Any dreams that stuck out (like actual sleeping dreams):
I don't dream. I'm secretly a robot.
Thing you wish you could change about this year:
I don't really want to change anything. I like how 2013 turned out.
Thing you wish you could change about yourself:
I'm pretty content with the way that I am now. I think college has made me more confident in myself, but I just wish I would have felt that way sooner.
Thing you wish would have happened, but didn’t:
Like Gardenia, I wish that I would have gotten a job over the summer. Moola would be lovely.
Someone you wish you would’ve gotten closer to:
Abby. Her and I became friends last year, but I wish we would have became closer sooner.
Someone (or more than one) you did get close to:

If you could devour anyone in the world, who would it be?
Cannibalism is frowned upon in this establishment.

Tell me a story, any story:
Connor claims that he isn't ticklish at all, but when I was at his house this week I poked him in the ribs and found that he does, in fact, have a ticklish spot. His laugh was the cutest thing, and now I have a weapon to use against him whenever he tries to tickle me. Mwahahaha!
Favorite selfie! Sounds lame, but it’s good to look at yourself and be happy with what you see.
I don't take selfies. I hate having my picture taken.
Favorite moment while hanging out with friends:
I really can't pin point a single event. You all instantly put a smile on my face and I cherish every moment I get with you guys.
Favorite moment with family:
When my dad made me laugh so hard during dinner that a noodle came out of my nose.
Favorite holiday:
Christmas. There are a lot of good vibes that come with that holiday.
"Holy canoli that was unexpected!" moment:
When Connor and I started dating. Gardenia if you thought you were surprised, well, I was definitely not expecting it to happen either. 
Any news stories or worldwide events that left an impact on you?
So I know this happened in 2012, but the world event that impacted me the most was the Sandyhook shooting. I cried so hard when I saw news stories on it, and I can't even imagine how the familes felt. My heart went out to all of the families. I was devasted when I thought of all those children whose lives ended far too soon and how they would never grow up, experience the crazy teenage years, fall in love, get married, have children of their own. 
What career path were you considering?
As of right now I am planning on working in a crime lab.

Do you feel you are the same person you were when you started the year? 
Definitely not. I feel more independent, confident, and mature.
Favorite conversation (if you can remember it):
All of our crazy, nonsensical conversations.
Any days that were absolutely perfect and didn’t go wrong?
The day I got my first kiss. :)

Did any of your goals change?
No, not really.
Would you consider this is good or bad year, overall:
I think that this year was pretty epic overall.

One word to sum up 2013:
Any regrets?
Any resolutions for this year?
Guess I'll try for a bikini-ready body again. Ha. We'll see how long I can stick with it this year.
Hopes for 2014:

I just want to make it through next semester in one piece.

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