Sunday, January 5, 2014

Rachel answers this survey

Did you have a resolution last year and did you keep it?
Wait. What? What the hell is that? 
Do you feel bad about not keeping it?
Keeping what?! I don't understand this survey!
Favorite song:
You expect me to pick one? Psh you're funny.
Ribs - Lorde
Speed of Sound - Coldplay
It's Time - Imagine Dragons
I'm sure there's more I just don't feel like looking for them.
Most annoying song:
That stupid Get Lucky song. I completely agree with G.
Favorite actor/actress:
Jennifer Lawrence
Hottest celebrity, or anyone in that realm of people you don’t know but desperately feel the need to touch (can be more than one, i understand):
Can you not?
Something new that you got into this year:
Favorite movie:
I don't really have favorites when it comes to movies really. I guess if i had to pick one it would be Catching Fire.
Favorite artist:
Favorite Book: Books:
The Book Thief
The Fault in Our Stars (I thing I read that last year... maybe the year before?)
Warm Bodies

Fictional Character you miss the most:
Ummmm.... this could reveal huge spoilers so.... no.
TV Show?
Doctor Who and Supernatural are pretty much equal in that category
Favorite class (high school or college):
AP Chemistry
Favorite teacher:
Prefer to be in high school or college?
High school. I miss being with you guys and Julian and Kim every day and I want that back.
Favorite moment moments of high school this year:
Legally Blonde. I was so close to not doing it. I just wanted to be done with the drama but it turned out to be amazing. I wanted to cry when everyone told me how great my singing is because i have always been so self conscious about it. I hate singing in front of people but it made me feel better. I also would never have gotten close to Julian, asked him to prom, or be where I am today without him.
The zoo
What do you miss most about high school/what do you miss least?
Miss - Spending every day with my friends and learning life lessons from teachers.
Don't miss - the drama

Is Pocahontas a princess?
Who has inspired you the most this year? (can be someone you know or don’t know)
Jennifer Lawrence
Something that gave you hope for the world:
Wait... wait for it,,,, wait for it... nope no hope.
What has this world come to??
hahahahahhahhhahahahahahahahhhaahahahahaha I SEE IT EVERY DAY AT WORK
Any paranormal experiences:
Not this year surprisingly
Show us a picture of something you created!
No thanks
Favorite quote:
"Sometimes all you need is twenty seconds of insane courage. Just literally twenty seconds of embarassing bravery and I promise you somethig good will come of it." - We Bought a Zoo
Guilty pleasure (I don’t care about your masturbating schedule; think silly movies or playing with legos):
Do I have one? I'm not sure.
Absolute favoritest moment/event moments of this entire year:



Legally Blonde

Six Flags


The zoo (both with you guys and Julian)
Worst moment:

When my mom gave up on me. I was trying to decide between staying at Aurora and going to Rock Valley and I was voicing my opinions when my mom yelled at me, told me she gave up on me, and left me sobbing in my room.
Thing that got you through the rough patches (can be a song, quote book, movie, person(s), etc):

You ladies and Julian. I'm not going to lie, I'm not really close to my family. And Alex, thank you for helping me that night. The one I wrote about above. It really meant and still means a lot to me and I will never forget it.
Song that makes you feel good every time:

It's Time - Imagine Dragons
Bad habit you picked up:

Don't think I picked one up.
Place you wanted to visit the most:

Ireland. You ladies have no idea how badly I want to go there.

What's your proudest moment?

Graduating from high school with a 4.2 gpa and all the awards I recieved.

Emus or ostriches?

Da fuck is and emus?
Person you were close to before, but grew away from:

Any dreams that stuck out (like actual sleeping dreams):

Thing you wish you could change about this year:

Doesn't that fall under the any regrets category?
Thing you wish you could change about yourself:

Ok, this is a subject I feel strongly about. You are beautiful, internally and externally and you shouldn't want to change who you are. Yes, there's some awful people in the world and they have the choice to be better, but they choose not too. I don't want to change anything about myself. I encourage each and every one of you to watch this video, especially if you're self conscious about your appearance. This is one of three things I will take away from Aurora.

Thing you wish would have happened, but didn’t:

Isn't it obvious?
Someone you wish you would’ve gotten closer to:

There's not really anyone that I can think of...
Someone (or more than one) you did get close to:


If you could devour anyone in the world, who would it be?


Tell me a story, any story:

Haha I'll put a real story on here someday.
Favorite selfie! Sounds lame, but it’s good to look at yourself and be happy with what you see.

I had a hard enough time getting the video on here, no thank you. Stupid ancient computer.
Favorite moment while hanging out with friends:

The knife game haha
Favorite moment with family:
Favorite holiday:

Does my birthday count? Cuz my holidays were pretty bad this year and my birthday was the one day I was happy. Thanks guy :)
"Holy canoli that was unexpected!" moment:

I stopped a friend from committing suicide a year and a half ago and when we went to IHOP after Legally Blonde, we gave our speeches, cried, and tried to leave. My friend came up to me as we were leaving and she told me how grateful she was that I saved her life. She said so much to me. Now, I felt like the Momma of the theater last year and I did my best not to cry that whole night, but when she told me all that.... I sobbed. I never expected to hear that from her and it made me feel so so emotional.

Oh! And prom! My goodness, prom! I never, never expected to become close to Julian, hell I hardly knew him when I asked him to prom, I was like "oh shit... I like this guy." And it was just perfect. 
Any news stories or worldwide events that left an impact on you?

I was honestly upset that part of the roof of the Apollo Theater caved in. That's a place I've always wanted to go and even though it will still be there, it won't completely be the original building.
What career path were you considering?

Theater but... yeah...

Do you feel you are the same person you were when you started the year?

Hell no! I feel like I've stood up for myself more and am more independent.   
Favorite conversation (if you can remember it):

Sex! SEX!
Any days that were absolutely perfect and didn’t go wrong?

Prom and the swing dance. Prom we all know and I've already talked about Julian, but the swing dance... I love it. I absolutely love it. Guys coming up to you, asking you to dance, to a rythm that's easy to pick up and so much fun to dance too. It's almost beyond words.

Did any of your goals change?

What goals?
Would you consider this is good or bad year, overall:

There was a lot of bad things that happened this year, but there was also a lot of good things that happened too. So I'm not sure how to rate it.

One word to sum up 2013: Memorable
Any regrets?

Going to Aurora instead of Rock Valley in the first place. I'm so stressing to the seniors right now that if they don't know for sure what they want to do or where they want to go, to just go to Rock Valley. It will be better in the long run.
Any resolutions for this year?

What's a resolution? O.o
Hopes for 2014: Get a boyfriend... and a new job.

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