Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Hot guys. Hot guys everywhere. I CAN STARE AT THEM AND LOOK AT THEIR ASSES NOW.
I guess thats a form of coping... right?
Anyways.. speech. Im in speech class.. waiting for it to start. And I'm bored. So now I'm going to ramble on to you ladies about weird shit.
So.. I've realized just how bad my anxiety is. Even though I'm completely done with everything for school for now.. I'm still worrying. I dont enjoy things anymore. I just started two new games on xbox.. and its not the same euphoric feeling I used to get when I played games. I used to play games all by myself and enjoy them so much. But then the douchebag came into my life. And now playing by myself is just.. lonely. Plus I seriously dont know how to enjoy myself anymore. I think I'm just gonna drive around today after school. Maybe make myself look good. Go shopping. Just.. do anything and everything. But avoid work. I'm not going to five below. Its only going to make me anxietal about working. So.. yeah. I really need my birthday weekend. Im hoping my new manager didnt lose my request to take off.. because fuck them and I'm not working that weekend.
I just started watching Being Human the other day. I gotta say.. that is one thing that truly distracts me. I'm actually excited to keep watching it. You guys should try it. c:
I wanna hate Luis so bad. All he has been doing since we broke up is making me feel worse. Not intentionally.. but I still want him to realize that what he is doing is only hurting me more. There's this chick Gabbi. She used to flirt with Luis and send him pictures and stuff while we were dating. That pissed me off. I asked him if he would be alright with not talking to her anymore. He said it was fine. And what do I keep catching him doing? Yup. He made me extremely fucking paranoid. He was LYING to me. It wasnt fair. And now that we're not dating anymore.. guess who is on xbox with Gabbi every fucking night until like 5 am? Whore. I swear.
Anyways. Rant over. Bye. (:


  1. Marissa,
    You will be fine you just have to find what you are passionate about again. And hey if I had the time to drive out there id go check out hot guys with you. And put some makeup on like I did the other day. Maybe pick up ourselves some new guy friends ;)
    I came close to getting skyrim yesterday and I decided to get clothes. Well at least I have some non east stuff now. But I will soon get it. One day soon.

  2. I'll play video games with you. Except... I don't have an Xbox D; we are all here for ya gorgeous.
