Thursday, May 1, 2014

The Jig Is Up

I guess it's finally time for me to post, huh? It's been awhile.
I want to clarify at first that the only reason I didn't tell you guys at first was because I wanted a little time for myself to get over it. Otherwise I would be crying all over my keyboard as I type out my amazing week. Oh look.. I guess I can't even avoid tears anyways. They just don't stop.
I'm writing from the heart right now, so I apologize for all the sadness.
I'm fine for the most part, so don't worry. It's just weird.
Anyways, so.. Luis and I broke up on Friday night. We weren't really connecting anymore, nor were we even able to hang out without arguing. In a mutual agreement, we decided to split up and grow up a little. In the future, if we both still want each other, then we'll get back together. But for now as we both go to school and grow up a little.. I'm alone.
I spent seventeen years by myself, so you'd think that being alone isn't difficult. But when I think ahead.. it just feels.. lonely. I know I'll get over it. But.. bah.
The worst feeling in the world is knowing I'm going to be alone on my birthday. My parents have work, and now I don't have Luis to come over and hug me to death for my birthday. No kitten. :c I have never been alone for my birthday. I'll probably be fine, but when I think about it, I just feel.. extremely sad.
Well. That's one part of my week. I'm gonna go dry my eyes real quick.
On the other hand, both my managers were fired. So now we don't have and set managers, and managers are coming in from different stores to run my store and its just.. so much change at once. I also have potato loads of homework. I need for things to slow down. I just want to have a day where nothing happens. I want to be able to sit in bed all day and just.. do nothing. Maybe play a game, or read all day. I want one day without work or school. Just one. But it'll probably be awhile. At least until we get new managers. For now I am the only "manager" at the store.
Oh yeah, for those of you who don't know. I got promoted as well last week. I am now a keyholder. So basically I just open and close the store, count registers, and go to the bank. I also have to make sure the store follows market plan. Yayyy. At least I'm gonna be busy.
I'm gonna stop here. Buh-bye.


  1. Hang in there, beautiful. We will be there for you on the weekend of your birthday! I know it's not the same, but I will call you on your birthday and we can chat about everything and anything you want to, so it will be almost the same as me hanging out together. Just remember that you aren't completely alone; you've got us! I know we can't physically be where you are, but we are just a phone call or text message away, and we've all got our phones open for you, whenever you need us. Just get through these next few weeks, and once school is out things will be sure to slow down. I know that you are planning on taking summer classes (or are you joining me in taking the summer off?) but those shouldn't be as rigorous as the ones during the regular school year. And even if they are, you will get through it. Don't forget that we love and believe in you and will always be there for you, no matter what.

  2. Marissa,
    I dont know what you are experiencing feels like, but I know that after an experience like that it takes forever to readjust. And don't worry Marissa, it will be tough but you are strong enough to make it through. That is what admire about you. Your strength. And you have your fellow fish friends to guide you across. But I'm the big tough one watching all yo backs. :)
    And like Sara said I'm a phone call or text away. So don't hesitate. I'm here to listen.
    And you might get to not only be key holder. Maybe you get promoted to manager ;)

  3. Like these two lovely ladies said, I am only a phone call away. You are strong and you will get through this. We're all here for you. We will be at your house in a matter of weeks (my God its already May...). But congrats on the promotion!
