Thursday, May 8, 2014


Hey ladies!!!
Almost there. So I'm on here to vent again. Well not vent just opening up. As Sara said, making a choice concerning a major is the difficultest thing I have to do. So this upcoming fall practically all my classes are math and science. This semester I took gen chm 2 and I feel like I wasted an entire semester looking at slides and all these mathematical problems but didn't learn a thing. I dont even know why we would use such equations!!! I think the only part of the class that held my attention was rates of reaction. I did well on that test. In addition to that if it were not for the extra credit I have my grade would be pitiful. It embarrasses me just thinking about it. I guess the profs teaching style didn't work well for me. So here I am sitting on my bed in the worst mood. I am currently trying to decide if I should continue onto organic chm or take another math class instead. The modern linear algebra one. I still love chm but idk if its what I want to do. I want something with math but I don't want to teach. I have no problem with teaching its just that I want to do something else with math. Why? Why? Why must this be so hard?!
Another option would be to take engineering classes and go for a degree in mechanical. After working on the robot it doesn't seem like a bad choice. Ugh. I guess only I can make a decision. I should talk to Baldwin and ask her about chemistry. If she believes in my ability to pass organic then I might go ahead and take it. If she says that it will require me to know all of gen chm 2 then I'll have to reconsider. I wonder if my prof would have curved the grades if there has not been any good grades in there. Who knows. I'm done for now.
Love, G

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