Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Why Am I Up This Early??

Okay, so I realize that this really isn't early, but you don't understand. I have an entire hour to kill before my first class. And I am completely dressed and ready to go. This NEVER happens. I usually have my bed lofted, and my alarm clock is within arms reach so that I can turn it off quickly and hope to not wake up my roommate. This, in turn, makes me lazy and I take forever to get out of bed, so I set my alarm for earlier than I need to. Well, I have to return my loft this Thursday, so her parents came to take the futon that is under my bed, and to help take my loft down and bunk our beds. Now my bed is on the other side of the room,  and I have no where to put my alarm clock, so it is across the room from where I am sleeping, so when it goes off I have to climb off of the top bunk and stumble across the room to turn it off. By then, I am wide awake, so there is no point on spending the time that I usually waste in bed, therefore I am ready and writing this at this hour.

I really have no idea what to talk about, actually. This is not helping my cause.

Maybe I should do homework since I'm up so early..... Nah.

I have eight days (not including today) until I am officially a sophomore in college. I'm actually not coming home until next Friday though, but still, eight days until I can finally respirate without wondering if I should be doing something more productive.

My floor is having a bonfire tonight, but I don't think I'm going because I have a crap ton of exams between this week and next week that I need to be studying for (which I should be doing now, but whatever. Bite me.). Bleh.

I'm really hungry.

The weather has been so beautiful for the past few days that I really just want to run around in the grass and bask in the sun and do absolutely NOTHING.

Okay, I really need to stop complaining...

I really have no idea what else to talk about, so I'm just going to end it here. I feel like this was a really pointless post, but whatever.



  1. Geez Sara,
    GO BACK TO SLEEP!!!! WHY ARE YOU UP THIS DAMN EARLY?! YOU DONT KNOW HOW TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF PRECIOUS TIME. Jk. I feel ya. All this laziness. I didnt even finish my research paper until right now and its due at 3. Yup. procrastinated with this one again. But we are almost there. Just a few more days.

    living the top bunk life isnt fun, is it?
