Can you guys believe that with this post there will be 158 posts on this blog? I'm so happy with the success of this thing and I hope one day maybe we can make it 1,000.
I can't wait for the seniors this year to graduate. I really can't. And I've got to get this off my chest to you ladies. Last year on prom night when I was taking Julian home, he said to me, "I am definitely taking you to my prom next year." I then told him that he should not have even said that. Why? Because I'll remember it. Now that was a year ago and I can't really hold that against him, and I'm not. But, what bugs me is this: a few days ago we were texting and he brought up prom is in two weeks. So I asked if he was going and he doesn't know. The conversation carried on and he finally said, "I just need to find a date/group." Ouch. I asked if he had anyone in mind. "Not really." Ouch. No one at all? "No." Ouch. And Cassy and Kim have been telling me how he's having this real hard time trying to find a date. Ouch. I'm going to tell him what he told me last year and how he's making me feel like shit, but not until after prom. I don't want him to feel obligated to take me because I said that. And before these conversations I didn't care if he asked me or not. Yeah it would have been sweet and awesome, but that chapter in my life is done. But it's the fact that he said this to me last year, I take him, and now I'm fucking invisible.
Enough of that, that depresses the hell out of me.
Camping. If we're going to go, we need to start deciding because campsites get booked up pretty fast. I think it'd be nice to go somewhere in Wisconsin because their camping is so much better, and I want us to start going somewhere. If one day we're really going to travel to Europe, or even Disneyworld, we need to start somewhere. So why not camping out of state. The place I've looked at is Pattison state park in Wisconsin. Brooke mentioned Mirror Lake to me last week and I still have to look into that, but Pattison looks so gorgeous. Yes its a little far, near the border of Wisconsin and Minnesota, but if we're not comfortable going that far, how are we ever going to get to Europe? So, Pattison has these amazing trails, waterfalls. Ugh its sooooo pretty. Here have some pictures:
Pattison still has a good amount of availability still. No matter where we go, we will end up having to get two campsites because there can be no more than 6 people per site. But the sites are pretty cheap, $15 per night per site, so it'd end up being around $60. Then you have to consider gas and whatever food we buy to bring with.
I did a quick search on Mirror Lake, which is 3 miles outside of Wisconsin Dells. Generally, the Dells are campsites have a lot of hiking trails. But I couldn't find pictures on them so you'll just have to take my word. I quickly ran through their availability and if you ladies like this better, we need to book soon. Like very soon. No matter where we go, it will have to be a Friday and Saturday because a couple of you have school Mon-Thur. And the only weekends I found available where we could get two consecutive sites are the last weekend in June and the second and third weekend in July. So take a look at this. I haven't look at the cost of Mirror Lake yet but I can if I get responses. The only way I'm going to know what you guys are interested in is if you tell me. If I hear nothing I will just give up. So here's some of Mirror Lake:
The Dells' area is really beautiful and if we wanted too, we could drive over to another park and spend the day there. Wherever we go, we will have to purchase a parking sticker which I believe is $10 and is good for any parks during that day.
I think that's all I have for now. Please let me know. This takes time and its not something that can be planned a week in advance.
This is what I see every time I open my pictures on my laptop because I never deleted the pictures from my last nerd post and it honestly makes me smile every time I see it:
Au revoir