Tuesday, April 1, 2014


My name is G.
My favorite color is blue; but not just any blue, a turquoise shade of blue. Then again it just cant be a simple turquoise, it has to be vibrant. And by vibrant i mean that it sparkles a bit when sunlight catches it at a certain angle. But when you move the color at a certain angle, you also have to adjust yourself to view the glow a bit better. Even though this glow captures the eye, the glow has to be one that appears to display the rainbow. If the color one loves is blue, then how is it that one loves to see the rainbow in the glow? So many questions and very little answers.
You wanted a post from me Sara.
This is why i would not do well in philosophy, my brain would shatter into million bits if it were made of glass.
Time for something about me.
 Well as you guys know, I am now working and this has been a large part of my weekend. I might complain about the time i have to wake up to get ready, and the tiredness i feel from all those hours, but i feel better about myself. I feel like i am one step closer to becoming an independent individual. But i really get along with my coworkers. Some of them are really cool and very nice. For instance, Sylvia, the one girl who went to RESA and rode my bus. When they were trying to teach me to take orders for drive thru and i was messing up, she patted me on the back and told me that i would get it eventually. This gave me confidence. Then today they told me to give bubble a try, which is taking money through drive thru. Sylvia and i assume it was her boyfriend drove by. She asked how i was doing and if i liked it. Oh one my managers was moved to another location, and its kind of sad. I was starting to enjoy working with her. And before she left, she told me that i will do great.
What else, what else.
I should be working on my humanities writing assignment, but it is a quick one; unlike the research paper i still havent started and is due in 15 days. So today i show up to chemistry and see that we have a sub. The sub then hands out a practice test and asks us if we wanted to work on it in groups or together. We decided groups. But i was alone. I didnt work with my lab partner. He might understand it and i would have been out very early but i wouldnt have learned a thing. What i really liked about the prof is that she seems to actually care. She walked around and asked how i was doing and would look over the problems i was completing. If i did something wrong she would correct me and explain the reasoning behind it. And i felt like i learned alot more, and she would point out what i did right. She is a very enthusiastic teacher. She said that she will probably be teaching part of organic chemistry in the fall while the actual prof is on maternity leave. So ill take the class and hope to learn.
Omg i dont know if ive told all of you,but my English prof chose me as one of her best writers and they are going to present an award to me next week!!!!!! And here i am thinking that my writing was completely horrifying that teachers would cringe when they saw it. Well Mrs. Powers i have been using fancier and more sophisticated words in my papers, you would be proud. I hope.
So it seems like i havent talked to Cesar much. He hasnt shown up to class the past few days and we havent had time to sit down and just talk. I have to admit, i still like him, but i dont think he has any interest in me. If he did he would have shown it by now. And its probably best that i dont keep this feeling going since we might not have any classes together next semester. He has decided to take calc 3 in the summer. I would too, but i think its too much to cover in 8 weeks instead of the 16. So there goes this possible relationship.
I really want to pierce my cartilage and it looks like my dad is no longer opposed to it. So ill pierce it one day. Oh i trimmed my hair. Its a bit shorter than last time i did.
I cant think of anything else to write about. I shall post another day.