Saturday, April 26, 2014

I Just Want To Go Home

I really just want to sit down and cry. It's not that I'm swamped with projects and papers (although I do have one for Music Appreciation that is due May 9th) it's just that I have two and a half weeks left and I want them to be over with. Don't get me wrong, I love it here. The people are great, and I'm going to miss Connor like there's no tomorrow. I just miss home, my family, you ladies, and my dog. And I'm not even sure what I want to do with my life anymore. I want to do something that I am passionate about, and I don't know anymore if that is chemistry. I've been thinking, and Connor has been helping me brainstorm lately about what I could do instead. I've always found psychology fascinating, but I think I'm too emotionally unstable to be able to help others with their issues. I loved the anatomy class I took last year, so I've been considering becoming a coroner, the only thing is I'm 90% sure I will have to go to medical school for that, and I don't know if I can afford it. I've also toyed with the idea of becoming an English teacher, like you've been thinking about Marissa. I mean, I love books to death, and you all know how excited I get when we get into conversations about them, and it brings me joy to see others get excited about reading as well. And I like critically thinking about books. I used to hate it, but over the years I really began to enjoy it. They have a good program for people majoring in education here too. That was actually what Platteville was originally; an education and mining school. If any of you have any ideas, feel free to share in the comments please. Lord knows I'm open to suggestions.

Other than my quarter-life crisis, nothing too crazy has happened besides today being Connor and I's six month-aversary. We celebrated yesterday because he has to work today. We made mac-and-cheese and had a picnic outside, then watched movies last night. It was fun and relaxing.

Oh! I cut my hair. Yup, I finally did it. Whacked ten inches off on Wednesday. I'm not able to upload a picture, so you will just have to wait to see it. But, if you simply cannot wait, text me and I shall send you a picture. Connor and I went together, and he got his cut too. The lady cut his way shorter than what he wanted, so he's not happy with it, but I still think he looks handsome. :)

I suppose I can post the music now.

Here's one from Panic! At The Disco. I'm starting to get into them now. This video is strange, but not in a creepy way, just in a dream-like way, if you know what I mean. Actually, I kind of wonder if they weren't on something when they made this video...
I love John and Hank Green, so here's a song off of Hank's album that will be released sometime early May.
This next song is off of Paramore's newest album, and I think it is my favorite song by them.
This next song is off of Ingrid Michaelson's newest album. It's a homage to Robert Palmer's music video for his song "Simply Irresistible". At first I was a bit confused, but after watching Robert Palmer's video, I realized she was just doing a gender-swap thing. Anyway, I like this song.
Alright, well, I think I'm going to grab some food and do homework outside since it's pretty nice out today, so I shall talk to you all later.



  1. Why Sara?!?!?!?!?!
    Why the hair?!?!?!?!??!
    Omg! :0 :0 :0 :0
    Ten whopping inches? Even that is a lot for me!
    But I wanna see

  2. Youre one to talk G.
    But I could see you as an english teacher. You'd toss books at kids heads and tell them to learn something.

  3. Hey cut way less than five inches from mine. And mine is really long to begin with. Lmao. I could so see Sara aggressively chuck a book at all her students and tell them to read and thoroughly pick it apart. Looks like we all still don't know what to do with ourselves. We love everything too much to narrow down on one major.

  4. "We love everything too much to narrow down to one major." Couldn't have said it better myself, Garde.

  5. Gahh! You posted Hank's video before I could! I love that song. And I really want to go see him in concert but it doesn't sound like he's not coming anywhere remotely close to here :'(

  6. Life after high school=bleak and unforgiving. Leaving high school was not even worth it.

