Saturday, April 26, 2014

I'm happy

Yes, even though I've been pretty bummed about VanNest's retirement and the theater going to hell and the legacy wall possibly being painted over, I'm happy. I've had this group project that I've been working on in intro to theater and I've honestly been having a blast with my group. On the second day of working together someone in my group say, "You know, we've been working on this project and i don't think any of us knows each others names." We all guiltily agreed and thus spent the next 45 minutes talking about anything and everything. Yesterday we discussed the rugrats theory that all the rugrats were just a figment of angelica's imagination because of some bizarre events. I honestly haven't had this much fun on college grounds yet and being involved with all these people make me happy.

You may be asking, why is she publishing this post close to 1am geez get a life go to bed. Well I have spent the last two or three hours not working on my speech i have to give monday, but in the chatroom on the nerdfighters website. And these people are great. They are all so hilarious and helpful and welcoming and it makes me happy to meet people like this on the internet. No no no didn't give out personal info, I'm not dumb. But anyway going to go to bed. Goodnight world

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