Thursday, April 17, 2014

Hello boring

Well hello there. I meant to post last week but I'm still as boring as usual. Just busy with school and all that fun stuff. This is going to be pretty short. However, I will immediately start working on a post informing you of bottled water.

I wanted to update on the Strasburg high school elective class I posted about a while back. The one where the booklist was challenged in an elective course. Well, the teacher won! Teenagers at that high school will be able to read those wonderful books! I don't know if anyone other than Sara and I sent letters, but overall the teacher received over 1,100 letters from Nerdfighters. Now that's impressive. And it make me wonder if the parents petitioning ever expected 1,100+  teenagers from across the country to rally against them. I like seeing people come together like this and I'm actually doing my persuasive speech on making a difference. That groups like the Nerdfighters can make a difference in the world.

Let's see, what else has been happening.... I finished Paper Towns last week AND I AM SO EXCITED FOR THE MOVIE THAT I CAN JUST PICTURE THE BLACK SANTAS NOW.

I have played a schizophrenic's hallucination, a figment of someone's imagination, and now I'm playing a dog... Can't I just be normal? We had to write a script for my intro to theater class and three were selected, we were put in groups, and we have to perform the script... my group got this one about two dogs and I was the only one who's actually memorized lines before so I had to take a bigger role... I'd rather do a courtroom drama again -_-

Ummm I think I'm done. Peace.

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