Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Frozen Yogurt Makes Me Very Happy

First off, I'm glad that you guys are starting to post more now. I was getting kind of worried there that you all had just given up on the blog. You have no idea how excited I get when I see that someone else had posted and that I get to hear about what's been happening in their life, or I get to see crazy pictures or videos or stories of things that make them happy or sad or angry but that they need to share. Please don't let this thing die out. It's important to me, and I hope that it is for you all as well.

So I burned two of my fingertips today in my chemistry lab. I swear its a wonder that I'm even allowed around things that produce heat. We were using a hot plate and I turned it off, went to move it, and accidentally touched the top with my fingers. Sometimes I wonder how I haven't gotten myself killed yet....

I'm in the lounge and there are two girls playing chess on this cute miniature portable chess board. It's adorable.

Friday is my birthday and Connor has rounded up a team of six or seven people and they are planning something to celebrate. They won't let me know what it is, and they refuse to listen to me when I say that I don't need anything special done, and that it's just another day. And they find pleasure in watching me squirm and try and figure out what it is they are doing, so they will sit and discuss it in code right in front of me. And I especially don't want anything special done for my birthday because Connor has already insisted on buying my ticket for the Paramore/Fall Out Boy concert during Summerfest in Milwaukee for my birthday (as long as we clear the trip with my parents beforehand), and trust me when I say that those things don't come cheap. I am super stoked though, because I absolutely love Paramore. I'm going to have to familiarize myself with some of Fall Out Boy's music though. I mean, I've listened to them before, I just don't know their songs as well as Paramore's.

Tomorrow EXPO is going on here at Platteville, which is when the science and engineering departments put on demonstrations for visiting middle and high school students to try and teach them about the programs here. I'm helping out in the slime room and with demos with my friend Ashley for the chemistry department. It should be a lot of fun.

So, I don't know if many of you know this, but as a child I had an obsession with dinosaurs. Like, I seriously was fascinated with them and wanted to leanr absolutely everything that I could about them. At that point in my life I was set on becoming a Paleontologist. And now, because of this next video, MY CHILDHOOD WAS A LIE. I THOUGHT I KNEW ABOUT VELOCIRAPTORS, BUT APPARENTLY I WAS WRONG.
Music time!

Another My Chemical Romance video. You guys are probably sick of me posting videos from them, but this is my blog post, SO GET OVER IT. This song/video was actually dedicated to Gerard and Mikey Way's grandmother who had passed away, but was a big supporter of the band when they were first getting started.
Next up, Twenty One Pilots! I heard this song on, and absolutely loved it, but the music video is so strange, I just, I don't even know. But, I still love the song, so here ya go!
Okay, so this next song has always been one of my all-time favorites. I listen to it when I need to relax or calm down. It's just so beautiful and peaceful, and I love the lyrics. And unfortunately there isn't a music video
This next one is one of those songs that just makes me smile everytime I listen to it, without fail. This one doesn't have a music video either, but the lyric video is kind of cute.
Anyway, I think that's all I have to say/share for right now. So, until we meet again!



  1. Ummmm that music video was disturbing... I see what you mean haha. I love your video shares. I'm always looking for new music and I love your taste! I'm also glad to know that you watch the vlogbrothers videos too : ) I hope you have a fantastic birthday!!! Post about it!

  2. My phone won't let me watch the videos but I enjoy seeing you post some. And I've only heard a few songs by paramore but I hope you really enjoy your bday.
    And Omg you shouldn't be allowed near fire and heat! You also burned your fingers in ap chm when we were bending the glass! You are a danger! Jk you are good. Take care. And stay away from heat. Like literally.

    1. And no I didn't know you had an obsession for dinosaurs. I was always interested in animals when I was young. I had the little animals that come in the little tubes. And this interest has never gone away. Even though I am terrified by many of the animals I love to look at them. They are cool in their own way. But this is just me.
