Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Reminescence, better person, and Zuba

Ok, so most of you, if not all, know how my es class is effecting me and how its changing my views and actions, and a lot of it has got me thinking about humans and our great laziness. I recycle almost everything I can now, its easy, all I have to do is simply put it next to the trash can and either my dad or I will take it out to the recycle bin next time we go to the garage. Or so I thought. Last night I had some cardboard that was on a picture I had bought from Old Time Pottery and some plastic grocery bags, and I had put them next to the trash to take out in the morning. My dad comes up the stairs and grabs all the plastic and cardboard I had put next to the trash and throws it in the trash. He said, "You know I just throw this shit away." I told him no. He argued that we throw away plastic bags every day, the trash bag is plastic. And that fucking hurt. Alright that fucking hurt. It's important to me and I hate being mocked or told its not worth it or that its stupid. In my opinion its just not being lazy. So my dad went to bed and I literally went in the trash and pulled it all back out and put it on the floor in my room. My dad will no longer be in charge of the recyclables in my house because I do not trust him with it anymore. I'll be handling. You know what? All these little changes I'm making because of what I'm learning from this class makes me feel like a better person. Like I'm worth something. It also makes me view a lot of humanity in disgust but that's not the point. I feel better so I'm going to continue doing it.

My es class also made me think of something Batje said last year. No it was more than a year ago now, damn. Anyway, he said that college is when you start forming your own beliefs and opinions. I can't help but think how damn right he was. I remember thinking at the time that, how could it be possible for one class, or one professor, change the way I view life. I just think it's crazy.

And then for some reason today I got to thinking about Zuba, and I remembered what he told us over and over again. That if there's one thing he wants us to take away from that class, it's not the math, but the life lessons that matter. From Zuba, I learned to enjoy what I have. Not everyone in the world gets to enjoy the luxury I have. So I want you guys to tell me what life lesson you've taken away, or at least remember, from Zuba. Leave them in the comments. I love hearing from Sara in the comments and I love leaving comments on what you guys post. I mean, you might just hate my es posts, but I don't know so I'll keep doing them : )

And now there's some random guy in front of me in the library, stretching..... ummm yeah whatever works dude. And now he just walked away snapping his fingers. College...


  1. I learned to keep my mouth shut, otherwise I'll get called out in front of the entire class by a man who plays favorites and makes kids feel horrible about themselves because of their poor math skils.

  2. Omg Alexandria. Zuba wasn't that bad he is a really great guy. Yea he had favorites and called people out but I learned a lot from him. and I should go back to thank him.
    Batje??? When did he become a bat? Last time I checked he was a bath. Sorry I just had to pick that out.
    But yea like you said Rachel our beliefs are changing. What I've gotten from college is that not everything has to be perfect all you have to do is put all your effort into whatever you are doing. History is a million of stories grouped into one. But it was the individuals who made it possible that are worth noting. And from calc I have learn to embrace my divergence. I am not a definite number nor am I infinity. I am much more complex and unique. Sorry I really wanted to say that. :)

  3. I love Zuba. He was like a crazy uncle to me. I think one of my favorite life lessons that he taught us was that you are in control of your own emotions, and that no one can make you feel a certain way. People can try, but in the end, it's up to you on how you feel about a situation. You are in control of your own life, you just have to realize that and embrace it.

    And Rachel, I enjoy listening to your es posts. I can tell how passionate you are about it, and honestly, passion is one of my favorite things that I like to see in people. I love watching them get excited about something. I love to hear their voices fill with emotion and watch their eyes light up. It's beautiful, and I wish more people were like that. So, in my opinion you can talk about es all you want and I will be happy to listen.

  4. Did I really say "listening to your es posts"? I meant reading. READING. God I think I need more sleep...

  5. Haha you know Sara, I was just about to comment on the whole "listening" lol. But thank you, I appreciate it : )

  6. Tell me when is it okay to make your students cry in the middle of class? You guys are good at math, you didn't have to sit in class and feel completely inferior and helpless because you knew that if you asked a question, you'd get told it was stupid and get made fun of. Tell me how that's okay. And the fact that I would find Brooke walking down the hallway crying because Zuba would yell at her, even though she couldn't help that she needed to leave class early for sports. Brooke was dedicated as hell to her sports, and she was trying her best to balance it all, but he didn't care. Yeah, real nice guy.

    1. OK I see your point.
      He was a nice guy to me. And I never talked in his class. I would sit in the back and hope to not get called on

    2. I get what you mean. I personally have never had a better math teacher. He may have been rude, but he was a great teacher for me.
