Thursday, March 13, 2014

Calling all John Green fans and Nerdfighters

Okay, I'm going to make this quick. This whole situation really irks me and it's not just because some of John Green's books are being targeted. A lot of books on the list below are being targeted:

  1. Feed by M.T. Anderson
  2. Thinner Than Thou by Kit Reed
  3. Delirium by Lauren Oliver
  4. Uglies by Scott Westerfield
  5. Taken by Erin Bowman
  6. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time by Mark Haddon
  7. The Fault in Our Stars by John Green
  8. Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes
  9. Will Grayson, will grayson by John Green and David Levithan
  10. Go Ask Alice by Anonymous
  11. 13 Little Blue Envelopes by Maureen Johnson
  12. Paper Towns by John Green
  13. If I Stay by Gayle Forman
  14. Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver
  15. Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher
  16. Looking for Alaska by John Green
  17. Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs
  18. Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare
  19. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
A teacher in Strasburg, Colorado is wanting to create an ELECTIVE Young Adult Literature class. The above list is the course's booklist. Some parents feel that some of these books are to pornographic, profane, violent, etc. for their child to read. Need I say this is for grades 10-12?

First off, this is an ELECTIVE course. If the parents don't want their kids to read these books, don't let them take the course, simple as that.

Secondly, the books on that list have taught me more than twelve years of English course books ever taught me. Sorry Mrs. Powers, but its true. These are lessons of acceptance of loss, enlightenment of life, and the importance of a creative mind, among others.

Thirdly,  it's not like the books we already read in English are very well mannered either. I mean take Catcher In the Rye for example. All Holden wanted to do the whole book was to get with a girl. Not to mention, this teenager spends these few days on his own and his parents don't know about it. Also let's not forget Brave New World... orgy porgy? Or the one by Steinback where the guy kills his best friend? At least I think it was Steinback. How about Les Mis? Can we talk about how emotionally depressing that one is? Or the Outsiders. The Diary of Anne Frank? Any Holocaust book a teacher makes you read? Do I really need to continue?

Here's a link to John Green's tumblr in which you can find more information. You may have to scroll down a ways. Basically he says that you can send the teacher an email to show support or to address the school board as to why these books are important. This is a subject I feel strongly on, so I'm sending an email. Again, for email info just click the link. DFTBA

1 comment:

  1. You know I'm in support of this woman. I'm getting ready to email her right now.
