Thursday, March 6, 2014


Gah, my brain is mush right now. I've gotten to that point where just looking at homework annoys me. And I can't get to a comfortable temperature. I put on my jacket and I get too hot. I take off my jacket and then I'm too cold. And I don't even know what to write about, but I just want to write to you guys. Ugh. This probably means I'm going to start my period any day now. Great. Just what I need. NO I DON'T WANT YOUR SPECIAL PACKAGE MOTHER NATURE, YOU CAN JUST GO JUMP OFF A CLIFF. DON'T LET THE DOOR HIT YOU ON THE WAY OUT. FOR THE LAST TIME, I DIDN'T ORDER CRAMPS, MOODINESS, CRYING FOR NO REASON, THE DESIRE TO STUFF MY FACE WITH CHOCOLATE, AND HATING THE WORLD FOR A WEEK, SO GO GET HIT BY A BUS.

Sorry 'bout that (not really. Actually, maybe. No, I don't really care. Just kidding, that was mean of me.).

I think I need more sleep.

Maybe I should post those songs now.

Don't ask me why, but I love this next song and video.

Paramore is awesome. End of story.

Some peaceful music to make you feel calm.

First off, I love this next song, like, a lot, but when I first started to watch the video, I was a bit disappointed in Christina Perri, because she was dressed in a bit of a provocative outfit. But, once I started watching the video more and trying to connect the lyrics to it, I realized that I think she was trying to make a statement. Society tends to objectify women, and paint this portrait of how we are "supposed" to look. We are "supposed" to have bikini-ready bodies, not be afraid to walk around scantily-clad, have perfect hair, perfect skin, and basically be perfect in every way in our appearance. But she's saying that women, are in fact, not perfect, and not machines designed to be perfect, and that is okay. We should be allowed to not look like how society thinks we should look, and still be beautiful (and feel beautiful) even with our imperfections.

I really should be doing homework...

I feel like we need to start a band over the summer. Or a YouTube channel. Or break a world record. Or collaborate on a book (and stick with it this time). Something to get us all famous, because you all are fabulous ladies and you deserve to let the world know how awesome you all are.

We should all go camping. Camping would be nice. We could go swimming at midnight, and learn how to pee in the woods. I never have been able to do that.

Do you ever just want to go walking by yourself and get lost? Not in a town or city, but in some wooded or prairie area. I do. There are nature trails here on campus and I love walking on them, but sometimes I just want to keep walking without really caring where I am going until I realize I have no idea where I am, and then I have to find my way back somehow.

We should all go to a concert over the summer. Pick a band that we all like and just splurge on the tickets and go. I think we would have a blast.



  1. We talked about society's aesthetic values of woman in my es class a few weeks ago, and it totally disgusts me what society defines as "perfect". There is no perfect in my opinion. And oh my gosh I love that song... music doesn't speak to me too often but that song gosh!
    Ok. I would love to make a YouTube channel, that would be awesome. And I think the majority of us wants to go camping this summer. I'm going to make a post in the next couple days about summer. Keep going girl! Spring break is just around the river bend :)

  2. Peeing in the woods is easy. Just takes some practice :)
