Monday, March 17, 2014

It's a Monday

I have failed you ladies at keeping up with my one post per week plan. Last week was just extremely stressful with three exams that I just didn't have time. I apologize. But, I'm back, not just on here, but back home as well! This week is my spring break, and it's really nice to have a week off to relax and leisurely work on the homework that I was assigned over break, considering that it wasn't an unbearable amount.

So, two funny stories that both have to do with Connor and tampons. First, he lives on an all male floor, and I am one of the only girls that spends time on the floor regularly. He also lives right across from the bathroom (since it is an all-guys floor, the only bathroom on the floor is the men's), so he wants to take a tampon, dip it into Snapple Apple Juice (which is red) and put it in the trash can (which is small) in the bathroom and see what kind of reactions come out of it. He found out he would get in major trouble though if it was traced back to him, because it implies that a girl was in the guy's bathroom, and it goes without saying that's a big no-no. So, now he's not going to do it.

Second story: We were studying for our chemistry exam together, and suddenly he comes up with this idea of creating a company that sells colorful tampons. He said that the white part that girls actually use should be colorful or covered with designs or something. So, we asked a couple of girls if they would buy them, and I am going to go around my floor and take a poll. Just curious, would you ladies buy them?

So, funny video time. This guy has to be one of the best storytellers I have ever heard.

And I suppose that since I am on YouTube, I might as well post my next installment of music videos/ songs:

You are getting another My Chemical Romance song. This music video is really sad, but I like it and the song. I like these guys because even though they can be a bit angry sounding sometimes, they stand for a really good cause. I watched a documentary of them one day with Connor, and they said that the reason why they formed the band in the first place was to reach out to people and save lives, and that the band had saved each of them.

I'm sure that you all have already heard this song on the radio, but I absolutely love it. I will admit that the first time I watched the music video I was alone in my room and it was late at night and it made me sob. 
Okay, time for just a really fun-sounding song.
And a sweet one. I have to say I REALLY want her piano.

And that concludes this segment of Sara's post.

I actually don't have much else to say. Nothing too big has happened recently (that I can think of at least). So, I suppose this is as good of a spot as any to end this post.

Ta ta for now!



  1. Omg... did this guy actually do that or was it just a story???? Cuz that's freaking hilarious! ALEEEEXXX THERE'S A USO DANCE IN THE SECOND ONE!!! Ok I'm watching these at school and they're breaking my heart... especially that old couple in the third video :( and is the little girl giving up on the dog or...? I'm digging the piano.

  2. As far as I know this guy really did this. And I think the little girl was giving up on her parents staying together because they are always fighting. You can see them behind a curtain yelling at each other.
