Saturday, March 29, 2014

Do you hear the people sing? No? I don't either.

Ummmmm hi. Where is everyone? It's been over ten days since the last post and that's sad. I mean, my life is uneventful but if I have to ramble on about nothing to get you ladies' attention, I will.

I'm serious. My life is so boring. What have I done lately? School, work, homework, shower, eat, sleep.

Yup. That's pretty much it.

I got a new bed today though, my life is exciting for one day.

But anyway, a lot about nothing:

I had a speech last week. Totally failed it probably. It was on dreams.

Talked to Will.

Hung out with Julian.

Played Quizup.

Went to work. Several times.

Wait funny story about work. So up front we have this rack that hangs down from the ceiling and we use it to store cups of all kinds so we don't always have to go to the back when we run out. Well it can get kinda high depending how many things are stacked up there. What I needed was to high up and after jumping a couple times to try and get it, I said "fuck it I don't need them that badly", turned around, and a sleeve of large cups fell and hit the back of my head! I turned around to see what the hell just happened and was greeted by yet another sleeve of large cups to the face. I then put my arms around my head as the rest of the cups came falling down on me. Needless to say, I got the cups I needed.

Ummm I'm currently writing a paper on Barnes & Noble.

I keep watching Frozen.

I'm currently reading Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell and I highly recommend it,

Yup.... that's my life.... I want to hear about everybody else's. This blog is beautiful, and I don't want us to ever forget about it. Even boring posts like mine are welcome. But I don't find what you guys say boring at all. It's all interesting to me and I want to hear it. Hell, I don't even know if anyone will read this, but it was worth a shot.


1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you posted. I don't care how uneventful you think your life is, I still want to hear about it. I'm constantly checking to see if anyone posts, and it always makes me sad when I see that I was the last one to post. Please keep posting guys! I love hearing about the little things that happened in your lives!
