Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Here's how it's going

So I decided against doing the videos. Tomorrow I'll just try and take some pictures and post them on here. I don't really feel like typing too much so I'll just keep it short.

So far I haven't really minded commuting. The only thing I worry about is how I'm going to keep coming up with gas money. Now that I came back I've had this feeling of "what now?" like I don't know what I'm supposed to do next. I know I'm happier here than I would be there but I just don't know where to go from here.

My classes aren't too bad I guess. I'm not really fond of having to take college algebra again when I already know the material and I'm just bored. Plus, I miss Mr. Zuba. He was such a great teacher and I don't want to have another math teacher if its not him. The professor I have should be the high school teacher because he's too easy, like he'll take people's bullshit as apposed to Zuba who won't and he actually makes his class challenging. My acting professor is really out there. She has a lot of energy and there's some interesting activities in the class. There's also this one guy in the class that reminds me of Philip from Survivor. If any of you guys have seen any of the recent seasons, you'll know who I'm talking about. I miss Mrs. Powers too...

Honestly, being at school is kinda depressing for me. I don't have any friends, other than John, and I haven't had an actual conversation in person with someone other than my parents for two days. I eat alone, I do homework alone, I am just always alone and its really depressing. And its really hard to think of my friends who are still in high school and they're having all this fun together and I fear they will forget about me like they've done to others who have graduated in the class. I fear they won't try to include me in anything and I get to see on facebook just how good of a time they're having together as I sit there alone. If we hadn't started that chat thing and I didn't have you guys to talk to any time of the day on that, I probably would have broke down in tears already on the third day of classes. I really can't wait for this year to be over with.

Today on the quad they had this Martin Luther King honoring thingy and it was really good. They started with the chaplain telling us some info and then a congressman from Washington spoke for a while. Then they played the recorded speech MLK gave fifty years ago. I'm not kidding you, nobody was on their phone or messing around or talking. When the speech ended, the congressman began to stand up but then there was this voice way in the back where people were standing they were singing. One by one, people joined in singing America the Beautiful (I'm not sure if that's the name but I'm sure you know what I'm talking about). Eventually a lot of people were singing. The chaplain and the congressman were so surprised. One of the most beautiful, chilling things I've ever witnessed...

This wasn't as short as I would have hoped it to be...

Monday, August 26, 2013

God, I've been posting too much lately. But anyway, today was my first day of class. All of my professors (that sounds so weird) are pretty badass. My history teacher seems like a pretty cool guy. He's from Ireland and kept getting excited at the mention of alcohol. But, anyway, even though I thought he was pretty awesome, all I wanted him to do was shut up because it was way too early for me. The whole class laughed when I told him that people from Rockford are called Rockfordians. YES. WE LIKE ROCKS PEOPLE. But my ancient Greek art professor is kinda no bullshit, but I like that. It means I don't have to listen to people talking all the time and NO GROUP PROJECTS. You guys would all love my English professor. She had the whole class cracking up today. As I was listening to her today I realized that she reminded me of John Green. She is literary a female version of John Green; it's the greatest thing ever. But I'm really excited for that class because we're going to be focusing on fairy tales all semester. We're gonna be reading stuff like Hansel and Gretel, Snow White, and The Little Mermaid. So I'm really excited for that. My communications class is downtown, so I have to take the shuttle down there for class. The building is only a block from the Magnificent Mile, which is really cool. I met a girl from Ireland in that class who just transferred from Belfast. She was really sweet. After class I walked around a bit, just exploring. Soooo many Starbucks. I finally decided to get on the shuttle because I didn't want to be down there when all the weird people started coming out. So I came back, went to dinner with my roommate, and now I am in the library, trying to focus on taking notes for a paper, but I can't. It's difficult to get back into the mindset of doing homework. I also have to read a story about how Disney is a misogynistic company.



Welp. I'm anxiously awaiting my second class for the day, which starts at 6:15. But it is a half an hour drive to my college, so I have to leave in about an hour or so. Anywayyyssss. I figured I'd post something since I haven't for awhile. Elgin Community College isn't bad. But it's still lonely without all of you here. And I know just about all of your are feeling the same about your colleges. But dear lord. I had so much homework my first week of school it was ridiculous! But I did find out that I earned 100% on my first writing assignment in my Literature class. So Mrs. Powers.. SUCK IT. :P
I've also been working alot. And let me tell you. Work along with school? It sucks. But that's okay. My coworkers are really nice, and so is my manager. I still haven't been paid yet.. And I'm getting a little annoyed, seeing as I have a payment for school coming up.My parents told me not to worry, that they'll help me if I need it. But I can't help but worry, you know? 
Anyways. So, this adult life has gotten me thinking. As Alex mentioned before.. Weddings. Except in this particular case.. It's my wedding. Guys. I'm engaged. (: You're all invited. And well.. you're all my bridesmaids. Luis and I haven't decided on a date yet, but I'm more excited about the planning. Like.. Wedding cake and the dress. YES. THE DRESS. It's going to be amazing. 
I'm just kidding. I'm not engaged.(; Had you all going there, didn't I? But I did was thinking about weddings. I wasn't kidding about that. And it's still my wedding. But anyways.. I was thinking today. All of us are like.. Pancakes and syrup. Yet.. That's a lot of bridesmaids. How do you have that many bridesmaids? o.o Baha. I was really pondering this. How do you choose who you want to be your bridesmaids when you love all of your friends? How do you pick certain ones without making the others feel left out? HOW DO YOU DO THIS? I'm sure we'll find a way. c:
But I miss you all terribly. And I wish I had a teleporter or something just so I could pop in on you guys and say hello. You guys... Just. I love you. And yes, another sappy friend story to make you all cry. I'm so glad I met all of you. And hell, if it weren't for you ladies, I would probably not be as happy as I am today. Hell, I probably wouldn't have graduated high school. You all remember how much help I needed with homework. (; But seriously. Thank you guys so much. And I'm looking forward to all the future events we share together. Weddings, parties, sleepovers, girls night out, baby showers, and even babysitting each others children. WE WILL MAKE THIS HAPPEN. I WILL NOT LOSE ANY OF YOU. NO EXCEPTIONS. EVEN YOU MARYANNE. I KNOW HOW YOU LIKE TO IGNORE EVERYBODY. 
Anyways. I feel like this is getting waaayyyyyy too long. So, I'll end it here. And maybe I'll make a video soon. So I can copy Alex. :P But seriously! Keep in touch. Or I will come through your TV and cut your toes off and feed them to my rabid elephants.
Farewell my pretties. With love,
 Marissa <3


Hey ladies! I haven't posted anything for a while, so I figured that it's high-time that I add something to this lovely blog of ours.

I feel like I'm just sitting around, twiddling my thumbs while you guys are already beginning your college adventures. I mean, even Bryce has started school again (today is his first day of 8th grade. I'm so excited for him :)) I know that there's nothing I can do about it, and that it's just because of the scheduling of things, but I still feel weird.

Anyway, I am extremely nervous about starting. I'm worried that my roommate is going to think that I'm weird and that she is not going to accept my nerdy and quirkiness like you all do. I'm also worried about the idea of leaving home. I had this really long and comforting conversation with my family while we were at Chili's for dinner last night, and they told me that they have faith in me, and that they are only two hours away, and that I can call whenever I need to, but the idea is still scary to me.

I keep looking at the piles of stuff and the half-packed boxes and suitcases, telling myself that, yes, this is really happening. Yes, I really am going to college. Growing up, I honestly never thought this was actually going to happen. I always thought, oh, I still have 10 years left, 5 years left, 3 years left, 1 year left. Well, now it's actually here, and I'm having a hard time comprehending this fact.

I guess I just need to keep telling myself that this type of change is a good thing, and that it is going to help me grow. I keep telling myself that it's not like college is a punishment; it's an adventure. I know that some of you aren't very religious, and I'm not going to pretend that I go to church every Sunday or anything, but I do believe in God, and I do believe that he gives us these types of challenges because he knows that we can handle them. I just keep thinking in my head that if I wasn't going to be able to survive this, God wouldn't have guided me to this opportunity.

I think the thing that bothers me the most is that I'm going to be away from my family, you ladies included. I consider each and every one of you as the sisters I always wished that I had (nothing against Bryce or anything). I feel like I can tell you guys just about anything, because we've grown so close. I love you guys so much. Just like with Alex, don't think any of you are going to escape me while I'm gone, because I WILL FIND YOU. You all have to promise me that no matter what happens, and no matter how hard things get, we won't lose contact with one another. I care about you all too much to cut off our friendships now. You have me for life. Sorry, but it's the truth. Get over it.

I guess that's all I really have to say for right now, but you will hear from me again soon!


Sunday, August 25, 2013

So I'm learning that making videos is ten times easier but I'm gonna write this one cause I know you'll get tired of my face.

So today has been exhausting. I got up early and went to breakfast myself because my roommate was at mass. I got started on The Book Thief while I was eating. (Sara, Rachel, it's so good so far!! I'm only about 60 pages in but I love it.) After that I took a short walk, but it was so hot I came right back and TRIED to take a nap, but you guys kept me up on kik. But it's totally cool cause I did get to take a good nap and went out looking for bookstores after that. The only bookstores on campus are ones mainly for textbooks, so I was pretty bored by them. Then I got excited when I found a B&N on the list of bookstores they gave us. I was totally bummed to find out it was way too far for walking, and I'm not quite sure how to use the L train yet, so I didn't go to B&N like I wanted. But I did go to the library because I was really craving some hot booking. For a school so devoted to learning, I wasn't impressed with their selection. So I just pulled out The Book Thief and sat in this really comfy chair and read (and almost fell asleep) for awhile. I'm really liking that book. Then I went back to my room and my roommate and I hung out awhile before we went to Five Guys for dinner. Oh.My.God. Those burgers.Are.Amazing. I've never been there before and I loved it. After that Francesca and I went back to the dorm where we found a bunch of girls from our floor in the lobby with towels and bathing suits peeking out. So Francesca asked if I wanted to go to, so I went to the beach for the first time. It was super dark out but the water was really warm. My roommate went and joined the big group of people (which consisted of some guys yikes!) so I just wandered around in the water until I found a girl I met at orientation. She was with her roommate, so I went over to them and they were so awesome to talk to. We left the beach once they started building a bonfire and walked to Red Mango. Once again I have met girls who would rather stay in than go out and party. Woohoo! I got a list going! So that was my day, just thought I'd tell you guys that.

And sorry, these might get frequent. You don't have to comment on them; ignore them if you'd like, just thought I'd put it all on here. Bye guys!

Laundry Time!

I was having a lot of fun doing my laundry today.

Saturday, August 24, 2013


Hey guys! Well first day of college yesterday didn't go all too well. I mean I knew it was going to be a change but... yeah living here wasn't such a great idea. I don't know, there's three of us crammed into this little room and its absolutely freezing down here. Yeah, I'm in the basement. But I won't be for much longer. I've decided to go with being a commuter instead of living in the dorms here. It is kinda a drive but I'm hoping I'll just get used to it eventually. Maybe after a while I'll adjust to this and be able to move back in to a dorm.

Some of the major problems that I have living here are as follows:

The people on the floor - ok, so I know there's only like twenty girls but I'm really not too fond of them. They are mostly social butterflies who constantly go into each other's rooms. One of my roommates is that kind of person. Like tonight I came back from talking to Sara on the phone and she had a guy and a girl in here and I just wanted to come in and pack since I'm leaving tomorrow but it was kinda hard to do... Also, a lot of the girls seem really into the guys and they just keep bringing them over to this floor. I don't know, it's just weird sometimes how my door will be left open and two guys pass by the door with a couple of girls. Maybe its just me.

The dorm itself - first off, service down here sucks. If there isn't a problem with the service, there's a problem with the signal and its really freaking annoying. I hate how I have to go outside every time I want to call someone or have a conversation through texting. That's how all the buildings are here too. No service or signal. And like I said, it's freezing in here too. I'm in sweatpants with shorts underneath (cuz you wanted to know that) and a sweatshirt with another shirt underneath (you had to know that too). I forgot to bring a blanket so I'd have to crawl in bed to get any warmer. Also, for some reason I didn't get much sleep at all last night, and I woke up with this flaring headache.

My other roommate (for those of you keeping track it would be the one who doesn't like to be the social butterfly) she's pretty cool. We haven't really talked much but we've been doing some of the events together and we definitely are not like the rest of the people on the floor. Tonight we went to an improve show. We both really enjoyed it and I recognized a few of the games they played from drama class : ) Brooke, they played four corners! I don't know if we played that junior year Alex. Anyway, we both stayed in after that which was fine by me.

I haven't see too much of John around campus really. He's been with his cross country team doing everything. He did come up to me yesterday a couple times to see if I was ok. I still need to find him this morning and tell him I'll be commuting.

My Peer Advisor has been a lot of help to me. Like a big help. I met him back in may when they had this AU4U registration thing. He's doing theater here and we had talked about that. Then today my mom told me to talk to a guidance counselor before I made any big decisions because at first I wanted to leave completely and go to RVC next semester. But I talked to my PA and he was really quick on giving me advice and numbers to get a gold of a counselor and then res life to cancel my housing plan.

So some of the people here are really nice. Oh! I also met a guy who went to Harlem. He was alright.

Anyway I'm tired and I have to make one more phone call before I go to bed (which means getting up, walking upstairs, and going outside). I will post more about today and yesterday probably tomorrow night when I get home. I love you guys!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Salut de Chicago

I'm super lazy right now (like I don't even want to get up and go get food even though I'm super hungry) so I don't feel like typing, so you guys get this lovely video:

Lemme tell you a story
Sorry, I had to post it on youtube cause I couldn't get it on here.

And I also have a bunch of pictures I took today from when I was hiding from my roommate. :)

View from the lounge area.

Under a bridge when I took a walk. You can totally tell I'm a professional photographer.

Check out this garden! I don't know, I thought it was really pretty. This was at an apartment off campus where all the rich people live.

Beach! I didn't walk on it cause I wasn't wearing the right shoes.

That's about it for space for outdoor sports. The school isn't big into sports, so this is it. (I hope those guys didn't think I was taking pictures of them.)

Lake Michigan

Information Commons for cool learning stuff.

Yeah, we thought it was time for offerings again.

But I miss you guys oodles and oodles. :)


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

It is done!

Hey guys so I just wanted to say how great this summer has been. We didn't get a chance to do everything we wanted, but everything that we did do was amazing. I had a blast going to Pearl Lake, having picnics, going to everyone's grad parties, Six Flags, or just hanging out. You guys have really showed me how close we have all become and how hard it's going to be to leave you all behind. But, in the overwhelming devotion I have seen to this blog, I know we will remain close as we navigate through college. With all the changes that are going to take place, we're going to need to rely on old friends to get us through. A familiar face is always a welcome sight when you are in a confusing situation. I want you guys to remember that whatever you are going through, there will always be someone right here who wants to listen and who wants to help. All you have to do is send a text or make a post and we'll always be there. You guys have demonstrated that in your willingness to help one another when someone has had a problem this summer. We are going to encounter complicated and strange situations that we have no clue how to handle, and that's when we'll need a friend the most. I've been through so much with all of you and I am so grateful to have such loyal, wonderful people in my life. It doesn't matter that I've known some of you longer than others; I've been able to share so much with each one of you. And I know I'll never be able to truly forget you guys. I have so many plans for us in the future; and maybe we won't do all of them, but the fact that I see you all in my future means I plan on having you around for a long time.

I'm so glad we made this blog and you guys are so devoted to it. I can't wait until everyone starts posting about college. I can't wait to hear about what's happening in everyone's personal lives. I can't wait for the day we all announce our graduations. I can't wait to be there for them! College isn't just the start of our new academic lives; it's also the start of the rest of our lives. Our lives are going to change so dramatically within the next four years. We're going to be landing our first real jobs, getting our first boyfriends, experiencing new things (stay off the hard stuff, alright?), discovering new feelings we've never felt before, but I know we'll be together throughout all of it. In four short years we have grown so close and in four more years we will still maintain our relationships. Don't forget, I'm gonna be that psycho bridesmaid at all of your weddings, so you better not forget about me! It's crazy to think that in four years some of us might be seriously considering our weddings. But just make sure it's the right guy (or girl, I don't judge) for you. Someone who makes you laugh, someone who takes your breath away with just one look, someone who you can wrestle with and be a total dork around, someone who you can cuddle with and takes care of you when you're sick with no regard for their own health. Don't ever settle for second best because it's easy. Finding a good relationship is hard, keeping one is harder; but the benefits are worth it. So look for that sign: when life as you know it ends. Sorry, okay, cheesy movie quotes over. Don't listen to it. But, uh, if anyone is still single by the time we get out of school, you are all coming with me to Ireland so we can pick up some hot guys with equally hot accents. But I love you guys so much I want so much for you. I want you to find that one person who is your best friend as well as the love of your life, I want you to follow your passions until you find what truly makes you happy. You all are so amazing and you deserve so much; don't even let someone tell you differently because they are dead wrong. I've seen what hardworking, caring people you guys are. Your determination and kindness have inspired and pushed me to be a better person. The impact you guys have had on me will stay with me my whole life.

And honestly, you guys will never escape me. Sorry, but I am literally past the point of no return. You make think I've finally left you alone after not talking to you for a few months, but you'll receive a phone call out of the blue and think, "Shit, Alex just won't let up." Damn straight I won't. I love you guys too much.

But, holy crap, weddings! Weddings, weddings, weddings. I love weddings! So everyone get married. I wanna be like the girl from "27 Dresses" and have a closet full of bridesmaid dresses that I can prance around my house in. I love weddings, I love wedding receptions, I love wedding cakes, I love wedding toasts, I love wedding people, I love wedding dances, I love it all.

But seriously, I don't think any of you will ever know how much you truly mean to me. I feel like I've truly found some lifelong friends in you guys. We have been stuck together like(insert funny simile here). While other friendships crumbled around us, we continued to grow stronger. My faith in you guys has never waivered; it has only grown. Every time we hang out I feel like I'm getting closer and closer to you guys, to who you really are; the part that is rarely shown to world and only to the ones truly deserving of viewing it.

And I have so much more to write but I think I'm gonna leave at that. I'm all moved in at school now, and I'm gonna make a post about it later on. But yeah guys, I love you so much, and I hope you all do amazing in school and you stay in touch.


Monday, August 19, 2013

Two more days...

I didn't know if I would have the time the next two days to post this so I thought I'd say it now.

Truth is, it's like I'm in denial of the fact that I'm leaving Thursday. I'm doing anything to keep myself busy so I don't have time to sit down and cry. If I do sit down I make myself watch something, like Lost, so it has my full attention. I pack, re-organize what I've packed, or make lists of what I need to pack. I've spent as much time as I can around other people to take my mind off of it. I just don't want to go. This summer has went by faster than any other that I can remember.

I have a fear that I won't make friends or my roommates and I won't get along well. I just don't socialize with new people very well. I'm already counting down the days until I can come back for labor day weekend.

I'm trying to be optimistic about the whole thing, but its not working too great. It doesn't help that my dad is completely unsupportive of the whole college thing. The other night we went to Wal-Mart to get toiletries and other small things I needed and he was just negative the whole time.

The next three days are going to be hard. I'm going to miss all of you so much. I'm still trying to be the optimist.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Good or Not?

Ok ladies this blog has been quiet for several days, so i thought I should post something to liven up this week. So first question is, Sara are you okay? After Thursday you have been really quiet. Makes me wonder if the sudden adrenaline rush pushed you into shock. :)  Second question, how has everyone been? Anything interesting happened? I got to ride a horse and learn a bit about my relatives yesterday, thought that was interesting.

As many of you know I have wanted to write a story but never seemed get back to the draft I started in June, but I finally did. I have finished the first short chapter of the story and I really need an opinion. Let me know what you guys think of it. I could also use further ideas. Don't leave me alone in this, my creative juices have quickly been draining the closer we get to classes starting!!!
So enough drama, here it is...
                CHAPTER ONE

A blanket of numerous bright stars stretched across the dark, midnight sky, and as the night progressed the full moon cut across the battling shadows. Its light reflected throughout the shaded land, yet the desolate country has an illuminated figure rapidly traversing the rough terrain. Even though the creature traveled at a speed unrecognizable to man, the radiating noise was that of soft, rustling grass; an owl’s hoot was still to be heard.
        Carrion! A horrendous smell that was observed to be scattered over the hills; yet the figure continued to move as if the smell did not penetrate its ability to react to the odor of death. Within the minute, the creatures of the dark commenced to make an appearance in the scene. Rats ran over the path, waiting for the figure to approach, and off in the distance the owl’s screech was finally audible. The moon continued to rise creating a clear image of the country’s remains- limbs and mutilated human bodies lay across the land. Death was visible in every possible aspect.
        From amongst the bloody remains, a body nearest to the open path was the only one found intact, but not a single breath was taken. This man, for he was a man, possessed incredible youth whose features lacked the sharp angle from one who has witnessed years of fighting; a life lost in the grasp of an initiating war. The corpse was thoroughly clothed in violet garb, with a bow and a quiver, partially-filled with arrows tightly strapped across his right shoulder.
As a gust of wind suddenly appeared, the man’s cloak pulls away, revealing the deeply-carved symbol of an arrow passing over the marvelous shield of Brutus, upon his chest plate. A single family was known to carry this symbol; although it is troubling to think that one from this long line of success has fallen prey to the ambitions of another. The young man was not a common fighter but the royal prince, Xander, on the return trip from his “coming-of-age” ceremony.
        It is tradition that all future heirs to the royal line demonstrate their strength and courage through a series of potentially fatal tasks. Once all three tasks are completed, the young heirs are honored with the violet cloak their fathers receive on coronation day.
First task: Navigate a large vessel through a trail of strong, rushing currents, leading a group of four score men.
Second task: Defeat the kingdom’s master swordsman under various strenuous and surprising conditions.
Final Task: Survive a time span of five weeks in the midst of bare land, where the climate changes with little notice.
Prince Xander was the first in this long line to show strategy and wit beyond man’s comprehension.
        The figure finally arrives, after what seemed to last a second, was actually ten minutes. It dismounts it’s gorgeous steed and makes its way towards the still body; the horse cautiously following its master.
        The individual suddenly pulls back the hood, revealing slightly pointed ears and a perfectly-shaped face with eyes the shade of the vast, clear-blue sea. The lips appeared to be several shades darker than the palest pink, but lighter than an abnormal red. Strong muscles lightly covered and provided the face with the prominent features of confidence, strength, and strong-will. Yet, anyone given the opportunity of being in the presence this figure would doubt that such mythical creature can truly exist.
Within seconds the heavily-fortified confidence deteriorates, giving way to tears streaming down the young lady’s smooth cheeks. From the tears, one notices that genuine emotions bonded these two individuals, but destiny’s hand severed this tie beyond repair. Myrina kneels in front of Prince Xander and is overtaken by tremendous grief; her petite figure vigorously shaken by silent sobs.
Several hours pass…

So what did you think of it? Just let me know.
  Love, G

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Choo choo!

Hey ladies!
I'm on my way to Rockford right now to help my mom restore our renter home. We need to get it finished by Monday because my mom starts work next week and we won't have time to finish it when she starts.
Speaking of work. My first day of work was on Sunday. Five Below is sorta unorganized. But the people that work there are extremely funny and friendly. Anyways.. I worked 11 to 6. It was a long day, and I didn't even know I was supposed to work.. so I didn't bring a lunch. Needless to say.. I didn't eat until around 7. And oh yeahh.. I didn't get off until around 7 because we have to clean up the store after we close, and people are horrible.. so it was a complete disaster. Most of the customers are understanding and genuine.. then you get the rare few customers that rip their stuff away from over the counter and walk away impatiently.
Also all of you should get Draw Something 2 for your phones and start a game with me. My username is Rawr Rissa. :3 I wanna be picasso with you. c;
Oh! And you ladies should let me know any days you have free so I can plan to get you out here to my house before school starts! Especially since I cannot go to six flags. :c So text me or whatever. I need to plan this shiz! There is a free party at my college on the 16th of August, and we can bring who and however many we want. There's free food and games, and a free screening of a movie that isn't on dvd yet. (: I'd like to plan for that weekend, but if none of you can make it we've gotta plan for sometime earlier. So let me know!

Monday, August 5, 2013


It's over. This last week has not been anything close to fantastic. It's been really, really bad.

So it all started with this stinking garage sale and having to clear up my grandpa's trailer. It was so much work and so much lifting (yeah guess who ended up doing most of the heavy lifting -_-) that my body was sore from that alone. By Tuesday I was so mentally and physically exhausted I just wanted to curl up in a ball and cry. But we still had to set up and actually do the garage sale...

Me and my big mouth says that I will make cupcakes and sell those during the garage sale as well. Well.... that ended up bad. I mean, the cupcakes turned out great. The one batch that turned out anyways... So I was on my second batch of them when I walked by the oven and saw some weird light in there. I thought maybe I left the light on from the last batch when I was checking them. That wasn't the case. When I looked in the oven, the heating element (the wire thing at the bottom of an electric oven) was sparking. The spark was making its way around the heating element towards the outlet. Yikes! So I called for my mom and she came in a grabbed the fire extinguisher.... but she didn't know how to use it. I grabbed it from her, ripped the red safety thing off, and sprayed it.... bad idea. Not only was it a bad idea to let the asthmatic kid use the fire extinguisher but the stuff got all over the place and it wasn't helping the sparking! My mom called the fire department and I got the cats out of the house (I had to put them in fry boxes from work outside xD ). Go figure by the time they got here the oven had stopped sparking and all was well... well except for the kitchen being covered in that fire extinguisher shit. But one batch of peanut butter cupcakes had been saved! Oh yeah I almost forgot: after all that I still had to immediately to work... -_-

Speaking of work: I'm free!! Dear God I'm free!!! The last week of work has been shit. My favorite manager has been on vacation and I was put in bubble (order taking for drive thru and money) almost every time I worked. Now that we have the two lanes its extra hard to do. I had a hard enough time with one lane. Last night when I was put back there, I nearly cried. I was so exhausted I didn't want to have to deal with it anymore. I just kept telling myself just one more day. Now I'm free.

There's more.

Friday I went to the doctor because of all these migraines I've been having and sometimes its centered in this one spot. Well, when I told my doctor that I'm having severe pain in this one spot of my head/brain, she sent me straight to the hospital to have a ct scan done on my brain. She feared that I had a blood vessel leak somewhere that was causing the severe pain in the one spot. So I was like, "I have to go to the hospital right now?" They said yes... Of course my mom was at home running the garage sale so I called her and told her what was going on. She got a little freaked out and said she'd have my dad come home from work so they could close up and join me. Meanwhile I went to the hospital and had the scan done. In my doctor's words my brain is "normal". I'm sure some people may beg to differ but at least I'm ok.

So long story short, I'm physically and mentally exhausted and you guys have no idea how much I'm looking forward to Six Flags right now. Let's just hope I can get over this freaking cold before then.


Friday, August 2, 2013


Hey ladies! So, I've decided to take this post and devote it to expressing my admiration for John and Hank Green. Now, John Green, as all of you know, is the author of several incredible books, including The Fault in Our Stars, Paper Towns, An Abundance of Catherines, and Looking for Alaska. Now, I know that most of you have read at least one of his books, but if you haven't, I strongly encourage you to do so. I mean, you don't have to, because it's not like I'm holding a gun against your head or anything, but if you are looking for something to read, these are all great books. Now, Hank, John's brother, is not an author, but he produces the Vlogbrothers videos with John. Every Friday he releases a video, and every Tuesday John releases one on Youtube. They are all under four minutes, and they are sometimes funny, sometimes serious, but always entertaining.

So, enough of my blabber. I've decided to show you all why I admire these two so much through a collection of pictures/quotes that I have put together.

Makes me love John Green even more.

'Cause Donut.

John Green always so amazing.

This man. Oh John Green, you are fantastic.
We can't know better until knowing better is useless
Only a genius can say this, as well as " chicken nuggets are my family"
John Green, ladies and gentlemen.

John Green

John Green

How we feel

the only way out of the labyrinth of suffering is to forgive

I love your words, John Green

This was part of Hank's graduation speech.
Hank Green's graduation speech. *It's just life and if you're not even trying to be happy then why?*
being stupid

Where to find geek girls
John Green: What To Do With Your Life (vlogbrothers)

Nerdfigters! We're fighting nerds, we're no longer just using our words (although, by and large, we are really articulate)
John and Hank's fans are called Nerdfighters, and I like to consider myself part of this lovely bunch of people.

This is a Hank quote, but he is Awesome, Jr., so it's ok to still love it.  I mean, he's like Diet Awesome.

"We aren't born with a self. We create ourselves. You make you."
I really like their videos, so I'm going to post the most recent video that they each created.

Here is Hank's.

And here is John's. He just had a baby girl named Alice, so he's been gone for a while from the videos, leaving replacement vlogers to cover for him. This is the first video he is back in. :)

And here is another video that has absolutely nothing to do with the Green brothers, but I just can't help posting it. It totally made my day when I found it.

So, have a wonderful day, and DFTBA!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Garage Sale!

Ok guys, I'm having a garage sale so everyone has to come buy shit! Oh! And I have cupcakes! Peanut butter with chocolate frosting. I only have twenty four so come on out and get 'em! Today through Saturday!